Read the previous post if you haven't already. I got a call this morning, and stupid me, I answered it without thinking.
Migraine One.
Read the previous post if you haven't already. I got a call this morning, and stupid me, I answered it without thinking.
Migraine One.
The people who read this dog on an irregular basis, and who have done so for some number of years, will have heard of Migraine One. This is a multi-ex girlfriend that I started dating when I was 21 and finally got shut of when I was about 30. We had an on-again, off-again, relationship that could best be described as gasoline and matches. The real problem with Migraine One is that she's neurotic with psychotic episodes and a drinking problem.
Keep reading at your own risk, keeping the usual disclaimer in mind: void where prohibited, no deposit no return, the sleeves will ride up with wear, do not use near fire or flame, and thin skinned SJWs, special little snowflakes, and affiliated moonbats will be triggered to the point of emergency psychiatric treatment. I recommend Doctor Glen Filthie of Someplace, Canada.
In the year of Out Lord One-Thousand Nine-Hundred Ninety and Nine, I landed a contract with the state of South Dakota. My office was in Pierre, (pronounced peer, as in long walk off a short...), South Dakota. The regular building was being remodeled, so we got moved into a refurbished department store in downtown Pierre on East Capitol Avenue, which runs NW to SE. I was on the South side of the street Across the street was the State Capitol Building, Capitol Lake is a man made artesian lake, and further down (SE of the lake) is the governor's mansion.