Friday, April 16, 2010

Dog Walk

The weather was very nice yesterday, and so rather than stay inside I took Excellent Rachmaninoff on a dog walk.  This provides me with a good excuse to take a few pictures of the flowers in Main Lady's yard as well as other gardens around the Lincoln Woods neighborhood.

Red Tulips

The brilliant red of the tulips has always fascinated me.  It's almost too red for the camera to capture without blurring the photo, although I've discovered another setting on my camera that seems to help the focus. 

Hyacinth and Tulips

I discovered that the mystery flowers are called hyacinth.  This section of the yard was planted by Main Lady's three little darlings; Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail. 

Front Yard

I would have left this part of the yard alone, as the flowers are arranged around a street sign.  If anything goes wrong with the sign or maintenance is required, the city workers will very likely destroy the flowers and plead that they were only following orders.

Front Yard

Front Yard

Front Yard

I like the white tulips, and I think it would be interesting to plant some red and white next to each other, as the contrast would be striking.

Front Yard

The Drug House

The scene of the crime! This is 6945 Williamsburg Dr. in Sylvania, where the armed robber Louis Mason met a timely end courtesy of the home owner, Clay Hausenfleck.  Many neighbors have referred to this place as the drug house, which a few other neighbors object to on the grounds that it tends to devalue other properties in the immediate area.  I think the moniker is here to stay.

Tulip Tree

The flowers on the tulip tree don't last long.  There were no petals on the ground the day before this picture was taken, but today there is evidence of shedding.  All the flowers will be off in two or three days.

Flowering Tree

I've been watching this tree for several weeks, and it shows no sign of shedding its flowers.  These trees don't seem to grow very quickly and must do fairly well in the shade, as there are several small ones around the neighborhood.

The Sheeny Man

Unlimited pick up is coming to Lincoln Woods and the Sheeny Man was making the rounds.  There is some controversy about the term Sheeny.  I thought it was synonymous with junk man, but was corrected when I was down South; it's used as a derogatory term for Jews.  HistoryMike blogged about that here.  I tend to agree with HistoryMike's assessment.  When I lived in Madison, Wisconsin and later in Baton Rouge, Louisiana the Sheeny Man would make regular stops at the apartment complex dumpsters and pick up any furniture or housewares put outside.  Most often people would put their usable furniture next to the dumpster rather than inside it, and I found several useful items that way, including a rather nice floor lamp and a large piece of luggage that was in pristine shape. 

I think Excellent Rachmaninoff likes cold weather better than heat.  He showed that he was somewhat tired and not up to his regular self yesterday, as he failed to bark at kids on roller blades who passed us.  He was content to enjoy a little shade.

Rachmaninoff in the Shade

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