Friday, May 7, 2010

Flower Photos

I took these photos over the last few days and I'm happy with the results, for the most part anyway.  These are four examples out of about fifty shots.


I finally got my camera to focus on the flower instead of the background.  I'm using a Panasonic Lumix DMZ-TZ4 which is basically a point and shoot.  The problem I have is getting the camera to focus on the subject instead of something in the background.  I've been trying to get this flower in good focus for several weeks and finally managed it.

Double Tulip

I believe these are called double tulips.  They're pretty unusual and I was happy to catch the flower in bloom.  This photo seems just a little out of focus to me, but it's the best one so far.

Parrot Tulip

This is called a parrot tulip and is the only one of its kind in Main Lady's garden.  I think the squirrels may have done for the others, or perhaps not.  It's hard to get a good photo of the unusual shape of the flower.  Most of the other photos show this flower as a sort of homogeneous mixture of flower petals.

Neighbor's Tulips

These are grown by a neighbor who seems to have a green thumb along with the time and energy to plant several hundred bulbs in her garden.  Her backyard is a riot of colorful flowers and flowering shrubs.  I was able to get a decent photo showing the unusual color of these flowers which has eluded me before.  I think that the green background helps.

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