Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Head's Up!

There will be a meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the McMaster Center at the Main Library downtown concerning the new form of county government being proposed by Ben Konop. I encourage everyone to attend and ask Konop a few questions about his proposal. For more information, check Maggie Thurber's blog: Konop Forces Failed Ideas Into His County Charter Proposal

One man who has been through this in Cuyahoga County states that residents should be wary of public officials who try to seize or increase their power. See the news link:
Cautions sounded on Lucas County reforms: Public hearing set on issue for Tuesday night

The questions I want answered are:

  1. Specifically, what new powers or authority would the new form of government have?
  2. If the new form of government doesn't fulfill resident's expectations, how can Lucas county return to the old form of government?
  3. Tell me three problems that exist in our current form of county government and how they would be fixed by switching to a charter form of government, then cite some examples supporting your opinion.
  4. How many other counties in Ohio have changed to this new form of government, and what do they have to say about it?
  5. Who is supporting this idea, outside of The Blade?

I doubt I'll get the opportunity to speak, but you never know.   I'm really curious about the second question.  Even if we did this, if it doesn't work out how do we fall back to our previous position?  I suspect that the real answer is that we can't.  Once chosen, this is irrevocable.

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