Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dog Walk

I took Excellent Rachmaninoff for a dog walk this afternoon and decided to get a few pictures of some of the flowers around Main Lady's house and Lincoln Woods. I like these flowers which grow next to the garage, but they are a little hard to photograph, turned down like they are.

I think these are called tiger lilies, but I'm not sure. One home several blocks away in inhabited by an English teacher with a green thumb and the free time to put said thumb to work. Her yard is magazine quality. These are called Cat's Whiskers. My grandmother, who had an extensive flower garden, used to grow them. Cat's Whiskers are somewhat uncommon for reasons not known to me.

Cat's Whiskers

The same gardener grows a huge swath of petunias, all an attractive royal purple.


I don't know what these exotic red flowers might be, but I'm attracted to the color and shape. For some reason I'm reminded of the exotic concoctions that used to be served in Tiki bars, such as the old Aku-Aku.

Red Flowers

Another yard was sparsely planted with these large yellow flowers.

Excellent Rachmaninoff enjoyed the walk, but I think the weather is a little warm for him. He's been behaving himself a lot better lately, which is nice for everyone.

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