While idly surfing through The Blade I found that the three trustees from Sylvania Township are here to help us. Having suffered a temporary set back on the merger between the city of Sylvania and the Township and thus losing the chance to drive their constituents into the poor house with Draconian taxes, these three are now trying to shove mandatory resident funded waste management down our throats and lighten our bank accounts at the same time. Naturally it's for our own good. If the Township doesn't get more of our money, we'd risk straining ourselves carrying it around. Here's a link from The Blade: Sylvania Twp. residents' opinions sought on trash pact
Kevin Haddad is pushing this cart under the guise of recycling. Haddad has no idea how many Township residents recycle now, but like many other politicos Kevin is not one to allow ignorance to stand in the way of progress. Remember, Kevin is from the government and he's here to help.
Carol Contrada is busy running for Lucas County commissioner, so she really doesn't care one way or the other about Township waste removal so long as it doesn't interfere with her own plans to run one third of Lucas county. If Contrada follows her usual modus operandi, she'll wait until she's certain which way the fan is pointed before she climbs on the winning band wagon.
John Jennewine surprises me. John ostensibly wants to see what the residents would like to do before shoving the mandatory waste management plan down our throats, which is at least one small step in the right direction.
The bottom line here is that if you want an increase to your cost of living, you need do nothing. The Sylvania Township trustees will take care of that little problem for you without any help from you at all. You just need to write another check. Of course, maybe that isn't what the average Township resident wants. In that case get up off the couch and attend one or more of the public forums, and when you get there stand up and raise a little hell.
Again, quoted from the same article in The Blade: Community forums have been scheduled for Tuesday at 1 p.m. and Sept. 29 at 7 p.m., both in the Sylvania Senior Center, and for Oct. 4 at 1 p.m. and Oct. 5 at 7 p.m., both in the Sylvania Township Hall.
If you don't stand up for yourself, no one else will.
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