Saturday, October 16, 2010

Elections, No New Taxes and Other Lies My Government Told Me

Each time I take the dog for a walk the yard trash reminds me that elections are right on the heels of Halloween, which strikes me as fitting - Samhain marking the end of the light period of the year and the beginning of the dark period. Politicos spend huge sums of money to put a new spin on the same old lies while those in office make another attempt to grab more of our wealth than they already have, all the while demanding we re-elect them. Dispensing with the candidates and their prevaricating election campaigns, here are a few local issues that are going to have an adverse affect on everyone living in Sylvania.

Brother, can you spare $1,367?

That's what the government is asking for. This is based on the government's certain knowledge that they, your elected officials, know how to spend your money better than you do. Here's how the propose to spend it.

Issue #3
A Majority Affirmative Vote Is Necessary For Passage.
An additional tax for the benefit of the Sylvania City School District for the purpose of current expenses at a rate not exceeding 4.9 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.49 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for a continuing period of time, commencing in 2010, first due in calendar year 2011.
This is a brand new tax and has no end in sight - meaning that it will never, ever expire. This is a property tax, and if your home is worth $100,000 you'll have to cough up an additional $490 every single year you live in Sylvania. That's if your home is valued at $100,000. The average home in Sylvania is valued at just a little more than that; $219,842 as of 2010. So in this case, you'll have to come up with an additional $1,077.

The schools claim they need the money more than you do. They don't. They likely want the money more than you do, but they do not need it.
Issue #7
A Majority Affirmative Vote Is Necessary For Passage.
A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority for all purposes of said Regional Transit Authority, other than bond debt charges, in accordance with the provisions of Section 306.49, Ohio Revised Code, at a rate not exceeding 1 mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.10 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 10 years, commencing in 2011, first due in calendar year 2012.
If you want lower taxes, here's your chance. This is a renewal of an existing tax. Vote against this levy and maybe your taxes will go down by $100, if you own a $100,000 home. That's an entire c-note you can put in your pocket and do whatever you like with it. Of course, if you live in Sylvania in a home of average value, eliminating this tax will give you an extra $220 you can play with. If this is even starting to sound appealing, vote against this tax levy and give yourself a little more breathing room at the end of each month.

If you let this one pass, you'll be stuck with this tax bill for the next ten years. Sound appealing? No? Vote it down.
Issue #11
A Majority Affirmative Vote Is Necessary For Passage.
A renewal of a tax for the benefit of Sylvania Township, including the City of Sylvania, for the purpose of operating a senior citizen center at a rate not exceeding 0.32 mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to $0.032 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for 5 years, commencing in 2010, first due in calendar year 2011.
This one isn't for the kids, it's for the seniors. You know, the retirees. Again, you are given the opportunity for lower taxes, this time for five years at $70 per year. If you've got seventy American dollars to throw away, throw it my way instead of giving it to your elected fat cats.

In summary, the average value for a home in Sylvania is $219,842 (source). If you're living in a home of average value, the government is demanding $1,077 for Sylvania schools, $220 to fund TARTA and $70 to support the senior center - a total of $1,367. While some people have money to burn, most of us do not. Me, for instance. I can't afford these taxes, and if I could I still would be against all three issues. The government does not need our money. Vote no.

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