Monday, August 8, 2011

Cleland's Outdoor World

Sometime in July, 2010 Cleland's Outdoor World was destroyed by fire, thus eliminating one of the few handgun ranges in the area.  I suspect the fire was deliberately set by The Brady Bunch, but so far the evidence is inconclusive.  Cleland's is a proprietorship and rather than throw in the towel they decided to rebuild in the same location.  Cleland's is currently having their grand re-opening, and the new store is nice.

I want to thank Maggie Thurber at Thurber's Thoughts for writing about Cleland's, Union Labor and Hypocrites.  I read Maggie Thurger's blog on a regular basis but rarely leave comments as I agree with almost everything she writes about and I have little or nothing meaningful to add.  The short of it is that the Cleland family gave the construction job for their new building to a relative who is in the construction business, but who uses non-union labor.  This caused the local labor unions to picket Cleland's new store, but I'm told they gave it up - possibly because the picketers felt it might be hazardous to their health to continue marching and blocking the driveway.  Did I mention that Cleland's is a gun store with an indoor pistol range?

Anyway, when I read the story on Maggie's blog I didn't see any way out of taking a run over to Cleland's and buying something, and I encourage everyone else to do the same.  These people are entrepreneurs (which the economy needs) and operate against political correctness every single day.  Please do what you can to support them.

Cleland's Outdoor World
In defiance of local labor unions and in the name of good clean fun, I think it's likely Big Mike and I will shoot at Cleland's this weekend.  I'll write a range report on the new facilities, which look very nice from the outside.  


  1. be sure to tell us how it goes.

    for some reason i feel the need to comment on that brady thing, though.

    i'm a pacifist. not conditionally. just pacifist.

    and i'm a liberal.

    but let's remember, boys and girls, that the way to preserve our freedoms and make a better world is NOT to gut the constitution.

    and it is NOT arson.

    y'all hear?

  2. The Brady Bunch, huh? Think you could narrow down your suspect list a little bit more?

    Many of my family are small business owners themselves, and have found it very difficult to make ends meet these days. As if the present economic fiasco wasn't enough, the government has taxed them six ways from Sunday. A profit, if there is one, is a pittance. Whenever the need arises for them to contract services, they always utilized small businesses like themselves. Using union labor was a colossal hassle and cost twice as much. While unions may have had their place back in the day, their usefulness is rapidly waning.

    The way to preserve our freedoms is to allow capitalism to reign without excessive and unreasonable taxes. The 2nd amendment allows us law abiding citizens our right to choose if we want to be a pacifist or not.

    I recently heard these words of wisdom...

    I called my stockbroker and asked him what I should be buying.
    He said, "If the current administration is in office much longer, canned goods, water, and ammunition are your best bet."

  3. Gun were invented for the specific purpose of killing. That's all from me on the whole thing.

  4. There is chaos and anarchy running amok in the large urban cities in the U.S. and in the U.K.
    Through our present communist, socialist, liberal left regime, people are under the misguided belief that the police will protect us from all the violence and turmoil. The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no duty to protect us and it is physically impossible. If the government steps in and disarms the citizenry (which would be in violation of our constitutional rights) then the bad guys will always get the guns and we're all sitting ducks. There are dozens of countries that proved that exact point. Did you know that in Switzerland every citizen has a gun and is taught how to use it? They also have the lowest crime rate in the world.
    Sadly, only people kill. I would much rather squeeze the trigger on a paper target than on a human being, but if it's my life or or someone else's, then by God I will defend myself!

  5. I called my stockbroker and asked him what I should be buying.
    He said, "If the current administration is in office much longer, canned goods, water, and ammunition are your best bet."

    Okay - that's cool!

    We've got well water, a fire place, fire wood and ammunition, but you know we could stand a few more canned goods. And you can always have more ammunition. I think I'll run down to Cleland's again.

  6. and i'm a liberal.

    Funny, you don't look like a liberal. Are you sure about that?

  7. Gun were invented for the specific purpose of killing. That's all from me on the whole thing.


    Those very same guns that were invented for the making of mayhem (killing critters and people) can be carried without restriction in Switzerland. Shooting is a national pastime in Switzerland and the citizens enjoy it.

    Crime is low in Switzerland. Funny about that, isn't it?

    Not to put this too delicately Roland, but you're not telling the whole story. Guns serve as an effective deterrent against people who would harm you and have fun doing it. If you're armed, if the bad guys think you're armed, or even if the criminals believe you might be armed, you'll be left alone.

    Hence my going around armed does you a good service. It makes people wonder if you're armed, and if so just maybe they'd be better off choosing a different target.


  8. Many of my family are small business owners themselves, and have found it very difficult to make ends meet these days.

    I'm glad they are, and I know it's tough for them. I know one self-employed entrepreneur who had to close up shop due to government regulations, and her business was just taking off, too. That was a real heartbreaking experience for her, but she's young and I think she'll bounce back okay.

    Meantime, tell 'em to hang in there. This can't last forever.
