Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November Election Results and Ruminations

It's all over.  There's nothing left but the whistle and the steam, and thankfully the ingredients for a perfect manhattan to settle my nerves.

I'm talking about the recent election in Ohio, where I did not get the results I'd hoped for.  Well, why should I be surprised?  Most people watch TV, go to the gym regularly and carry as much credit card debt as they can afford interest payments for.  Just keep paying that vig, and I can carry you for another month.

Well, let's look at the damages.  Here are the elections and issues that I care about, along with my usual insightful commentary:

Toledo Muni Court Judge 1/3/2012
Number of Precincts 234
Precincts Reporting 234 100.0 %
Times Counted 72315/194041 37.3 %
Total Votes 52338
Robert Christiansen 30465 58.21%
John Coble 21873 41.79%

Although I couldn't vote in this election, I wanted John Coble to win this one.  I know John personally, and he'd make an excellent judge.  He's even tempered, patient and does not discriminate against people who don't have enough money for a lawyer.  Sadly, he's also running against the incumbent.  I hope John runs for office again, as he's a real credit to the community.

Sylvania Township Trustee
Number of Precincts 40
Precincts Reporting 40 100.0 %
Times Counted 17785/33947 52.4 %
Total Votes 13655
Neal Mahoney 7154 52.39%
Penny J. Levine 4980 36.47%
John Marshall 1024 7.50%
Curt Snapp 497 3.64%

When I read this last night, Levine was out in front by a few hundred votes.  Thankfully, Penny J. Levine lost this election.  I voted for Curt Snapp, I'd have been happy with John Marshall, but Neal Mahoney is better than Penny Levine will every be.  I say this because I saw Levine interact with a potential constituent a little while back, and what I saw revealed Levine's real personality.  Levine is abrasive, uncompromising and arrogant.  She feels that the current trustees treated her poorly and she's vindictive about that.  Anyone speaking to Levine for any length of time might conclude that she isn't too bright, but they'd be mistaken.  Levine is bright and she's hard working.  What they're picking up on is that Levine is crude, both in her diction and mannerisms.  Neal Mahoney was appointed by the other two trustees, so he's little more than a yes-man, but that's better than a vindictive woman with PMS and a can of pepper spray.

11 - Olander Park System Renewal
Number of Precincts 47
Precincts Reporting 47 100.0 %
Times Counted 19242/36922 52.1 %
Total Votes 18817
FOR THE TAX LEVY 13249 70.41%

I like the park system, but the cost of labor is much too high, Gary Madryzkowski (the director of the park system) acts like a despot and is as accessible to the Great Unwashed as the current lessee of the big white double wide on Pennsylvania Avenue.   The park rangers are swaggering, authoritarian ass holes who are looking for an excuse to intimidate people and beat up anyone who dares to walk off the clearly marked official park path.  Therefore, I voted against it.

15 - Lucas County 911 Renewal
Number of Precincts 354
Precincts Reporting 354 100.0 %
Times Counted 126330/295409 42.8 %
Total Votes 121274
FOR THE TAX LEVY 81169 66.93%

I voted against this levy, mainly because we're all broke and I don't believe the system will suddenly cease operations if the levy failed to pass.  I suppose the obvious question is: Do we need a 9-1-1 system?  Maybe, maybe not.  Before we had 9-1-1 we had to either call the operator or call the service ourselves, meaning you had to know which jurisdiction you were standing in for the police department.  Fire and EMS are county wide, so that's a good deal less of a problem.  The services involved seem to believe 9-1-1 is a good idea, and I place a good deal of trust and confidence in professionals so I'll go along with them and say that it's a necessary part of civilization as we'd like to get to know it.  Now, can we afford it?  No.  Hell no.

17 - Lucas County Zoo Renewal
Number of Precincts 354
Precincts Reporting 354 100.0 %
Times Counted 126330/295409 42.8 %
Total Votes 123338
FOR THE TAX LEVY 86524 70.15%

This is the only levy I voted for.  I did so with the knowledge that I could honestly brag about voting for the zoo, which would make the moonbats think that I had some wonderful, unselfish facet to my personality buried deep inside me, and that I could be salvaged somehow.  I also did it because I was certain that the levy would pass in a landslide - which it did - and that I could use my action to irritate Maggie Thurber and maybe provoke a response.

1 - State Issue Judges
Number of Precincts 354
Precincts Reporting 354 100.0 %
Times Counted 126330/295409 42.8 %
Total Votes 117300
NO 70900 60.44%
YES 46400 39.56%

I voted against this one.  By the time they hit 70 years old, these antiques should be living the good life in their assisted living condominium in Florida or Arizona, wearing pants with a waistline just under their ribcage, showing each other pictures of their grandchildren and complaining about the government.  As it is right now, I think some of these gold card carrying members of the Geritol set sit on the bench in their Depends and dispense justice from the wrong side of Alzheimer's and dementia, bolstered by a martini or three during lunch.  They're just rational enough to be perceived as competent, while the truth is miles away.

2 - State Issue SB5
Number of Precincts 354
Precincts Reporting 354 100.0 %
Times Counted 126330/295409 42.8 %
Total Votes 124748
NO 84036 67.36%
YES 40712 32.64%

I voted against SB 5.  I actually tried reading it over, but it was too long and complex for me to understand.  I don't believe that many of the legislators understand it either.  Maybe more importantly, I don't think it would alleviate any of the labor problems Ohio has.  What might work would be separate bills, one to prohibit the automatic deduction of union dues from a worker's paycheck, and another which would give Ohio residents the right to work.

3 - State Issue Health
Number of Precincts 354
Precincts Reporting 354 100.0 %
Times Counted 126330/295409 42.8 %
Total Votes 120383
YES 67326 55.93%
NO 53057 44.07%

I voted Yes on this one.  Here's an interesting article from Cleveland: Issue 3 Passes By Larger Margin Than Issues 1 And 2 Failed; 66 Percent Of 1.8 Million Votes Counted Favor Issue
Issue 3 is being approved in nearly every Ohio county which has reported tallies so far -- except Lucas County, where it was failing 9,054-8,760.
Right.  When I saw the unofficial results last night, it was failing.  Evidently the Right Wingnuts voted after they got off work (here I'm implying that the Moonbats don't hold down a job, but collect welfare and food stamps for a living - when they don't hold a public office, that is) and did their part to help stop this from becoming a significant part of the National Debt.
The issue was spurred by H.R. 3590 - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, particularly the federal law’s requirement that everyone carry insurance or pay a penalty if they do not.
Meaning that the way to provide healthcare for everyone is to pass a law that forces them to buy health insurance or face a fine and the possibility of jail time.  So if a person doesn't have that extra $1,347 per month for health insurance because they have to pay for food, clothing and shelter, the Federal Government will simply remove money from their paycheck to cover the mandatory fine and send them a registered letter with instructions for reporting to a political reeducation camp if this is first offense, or special work release if this is a second offense.  Three strikes and you're out.
The issue does not block the federal health care bill - should it ultimately prevail in the Supreme Court - from going into effect in Ohio. But it would prevent Ohio from enacting a Massachusetts-style health care system.
They mean Taxachusetts, not Massachusetts.  If you really want to see what Moonbat government can do to a State, just check out Taxachusetts.  The people in Wisconsin finally had enough Moonbat bullshit and made a few changes, all of which were guaranteed to ruin the entire country, starting with the once great State of Wisconsin.  Ah... we're still waiting for the sky to fall.

While I'm here, I'll offer the prediction that the United States Supreme Court will fail to render a meaningful decision and that as a result, ObamaCare will become Federal law.  I look to the State of Texas to lead the rebellion.

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