Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Danny Brown: Injustice Rally

I read the Toledo Free Press every once in a while.  For one thing the price is right.  This morning I stumbled across a worthy cause and thought I'd give it a free plug.  Here's a link to the story:  Jurich: ‘I am Danny Brown’ by Stacy Jurich
In 1982... Brown was wrongfully convicted of a murder and sentenced to life in prison. In 2001, he was released based on DNA results...
Lucas County Prosecutor Julia Bates refuses to exonerate Brown and yet will not retry him. His case now rests in limbo...
On Friday, March 16th at 8:00 AM there will be a rally for Danny Brown at Third Space, 137 North Michigan Street, Toledo, Ohio.  At 9:00 AM demonstrators will march several blocks to the Lucas County Courthouse and encircle the courthouse.  On Saturday, March 17th at 3:00 PM there will be a fundraising party to help Danny Brown publish his memoirs.   The fundraiser will continue until 5:00 PM and will include light refreshments along with a question and answer session with Danny Brown.  The organizers suggest a minimum donation of $5, but if you can give more than a fin they won't turn it down.  There's more information below the fold.

History Mike has written about Danny Brown's plight several times, and his articles are worth reading.  Here are a few links:

A Victim Of Justice: Danny Brown's Fight To Regain His Name (9/26/2005)

Danny Brown: Justice Denied, Again (3/26/2006)

Julia Bates: What About Danny Brown? (4/6/2007)

On Julia Bates, Danny Brown, and Justice (4/20/2009)

The long and short of this is that Danny Brown was wrongfully accused, railroaded and finally released from prison when DNA testing excluded a key piece of evidence used to convict him.  Danny wrongfully spent 19 years in prison and now, years later, the Lucas County prosecutor Julia Bates refuses to either re-file charges and bring the case to trial or drop the entire business and exonerate Danny.  Bates continues to maintain that Danny is a person of interest in an ongoing investigation - which very likely hasn't been touched in years.  This means that Danny cannot be financially compensated for the years the State stole from him.

I'm not particularly civic minded.  I'm of the live and let live philosophy, and truly believe that everyone has their own problems and are better off left alone.  I make an exception for the abuse of law abiding citizens who are abused by the government.

I think this is a worthy cause, and I encourage everyone to show up and march for a few hours.

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