Saturday, February 23, 2013

R.I.P. Excellent Rachmaninoff

On Friday, February 22, 2013 at 6:30 PM Excellent Rachmaninoff was euthanized.  In attendance were Main Lady, Flopsy, Mopsy and me, Mad Jack.  Rocky passed away very peacefully while lying on Mopsy's lap.  He is missed by all of us.

Rocky 3/17/2011

The short of it is that Rocky stopped eating.  He'd drink his water, but he would often throw it back up again.  We gave him medication for nausea, so he didn't get dehydrated.  He just wouldn't eat.  On Friday Rocky had become too weak and disoriented to walk, so I had to carry him into the veterinarian's office.

I've written about Rachmaninoff in several places. You can read about how we found him here: Doggie in the Window. I miss him terribly.

The only downside to owning a dog is that you'll very likely outlive them.


  1. "The only downside to owning a dog is that you'll very likely outlive them."

    Yes. I'm so sorry.

  2. In a perfect world, our dogs would pass 30 seconds after we do. For whatever reason, it is not to be.

    I'm guessing that this dog was aptly named. Deepest.

  3. So very sorry, MJ. I know your heart is heavy from the loss but feel confident that you gave him a good life.

  4. My thanks to all of you for your kind words. I miss the little dog badly, but I expect another dog will show up sooner or later.

    Main Lady and I had Excellent Rachmaninoff since he was a puppy, although just how someone could throw away a nice little dog like that is beyond me. Anyway, I'm hoping another puppy shows up pretty soon.

    Thanks again to all of you for your kind words.
