Friday, April 28, 2017

Eats, Shoots, and Leaves

Cross posted at that august establishment of empirical, dialectic discussion, Toledo Talk, where the elite of the Toledo metropolitan area converge to discuss local issues (political, economic, and otherwise), and where the loons of another local message board (which name I won't mention) tread softly or not at all.

Having received a half-dozen offers on the old homestead in as many days, one individual met the asking price without batting an eye. There are a few conditions, but I expect to close in 30 days or so.

Saturday, May 6th, 2017 is the farewell shoot and lunch.

My intention is to load a select portion of my personal arsenal into my trunk along with a hundred pounds of ammo and head out to Shooters of Maumee at 10:00 AM. I'll stay until noon or until I run out of ammunition.

After shooting comes a nice, leisurely lunch somewhere. I'm open to suggestions, although I'm thinking Swig Restaurant (219 Louisiana Ave, P-burg) is looking pretty good, and it opens at 11:00 on Saturday. We'll stay until lunch is over.

Any farewell angst or tearful good-byes can be offset by remembering my somewhat inflammatory ad hominem sociopolitical comments. Likewise, anyone who is happy to see me go needn't get their hopes up too high - I still have a few friends and family in the Toledo area, and I'll be back from time to time.

So if you intend to show up, please post or email me at Mad Jack's Shack (get the email address from this site). I'll make reservations at the range and the restaurant.

For all those attending the alternate party (I'm glad the SOB is gone!), I hope you break an axle on the AWT during rush hour love you anyway.

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