Saturday, May 20, 2017

Whatever happened to...

For reasons that even I can't comprehend, I decided to start some 'way past due maintenance on the list of sites that I read.  I started by deleting sites that are no longer with us, or that have fallen into complete disuse.  Which led me to the topic of this post: Whatever happened to (name of the site)?

Here's an exhaustive list, along with the reasons that the site slid into the electronic junkyard:

A Tenderfoot in Tombstone
No real reason given, just no news.  Too bad, as I enjoyed the author's writing.

Beat and Release, Charleston Thuglife, and Garro's Games.
All these sites were blogs from the same man, whose name may or may not be Garro.  He seemed to be doing pretty well, then just dropped off the Internet without warning.  I never met him in person, but I liked him and I hope he's doing well.

Full Metal Patriot
No real reason given, the blog just died out.

I happen to know History Mike, who really does teach college level history.  He tends to bite off more than he can comfortably masticate, which is what happened here.

Hooda Thunkit
Hooda just vanished one day.

Nothing to see here, and I do mean nothing.

Stephanie M. Loree
I suspect that the blog was sacrificed due to work and family.  Stephanie is a professional writer / editor, and the last I knew she was doing well.

Graveyard Dog
I was sorry to see the Dog stop posting, as he was a very entertaining police read.

The P.O.P. Factor
Again, just faded away, although there may have been mitigating factors.

Thurber's Thoughts
The author, Maggie Thurber, is alive and well in Toledo, Ohio.  I suspect she got tired of writing a conservative blog and getting screamed at by SJWs and similar pests.

If anyone knows what happened to any of the bloggers or what they're doing now, please don't hesitate to comment.  Thanks!


  1. Don't feel bad, we lost 72 gun blogs in the last year... Many just stopped posting... sigh

  2. MJ:
    I try and keep a running list of the "gone but not forgotten", but it's getting real hard to keep track.

    A LOT of great blogs (and not all police ones) just up and folded...never to return.

    Had some good mil-blogs as well.
    Sure miss them.

    Roll safe out there.
