Friday, March 9, 2018

Daze of Our Lives

It's 11:44 PM on Thursday, March 8th, 2018.  That means that it's still International Women’s Day, which we can read all about at International Women’s Day dot Com.  Won't that be funsy-wunsy?

From someplace on the Internet:
Internationally, purple is a colour for symbolising women. Historically the combination of purple, green and white to symbolise women's equality originated from the Women’s Social and Political Union in the UK in 1908. Purple signifies justice and dignity. Green symbolises hope. White represents purity, but is no longer used due to 'purity' being a controversial concept. The introduction of the colour yellow representing a 'new dawn' is commonly used to signify a second wave of feminism. Thus purple with green represents traditional feminism, purple with yellow represents progressive contemporary feminism.

For those of us who used to read English literature, including British literature, there are a few spelling differences.  The word 'center', for instance, is spelt centre in Jolly Old.  Color is spelt colour, flavor is flavour, and humorless is humourless, which is what my fourth grade teacher was when I insisted that centre was spelled correctly, then showed her the usage and a dictionary entry.  She wanted to slap me, but instead sent me to the principal's office.  Fuck her.  I killed her off in a short story some years back (an assisted fall down the stairs during a fire drill).  All the boys laughed about it later.  Main Lady was horrified.

So as to the proper color, we should be careful not to display the color white because it represents purity, and the correct definition of that term as applied to women is being debated - by women.  They'll let us Neanderthals know when they've come up with a suitable definition.  Whatever you do, don't tell them they're being ignored.

Comme il faut, March 9th (tomorrow) is Get Over It Day!.

From someplace else on the Internet:
Has something trivial been weighing on your mind? Get over it and use #NationalGetOverItDay to post on social media.

The origin of this day is explained thus:

March 9th is GET OVER IT DAY!® Strategically the midpoint between Valentine's Day and April Fools Day, it was conceived 10+ years ago by a guy named Jeff while attempting to get over an ex-girlfriend. But he recognized it was a universal concept that MANY could relate to so he wrote the poem*(below) and put up It quickly went viral and has since been covered by Good Morning America, ESPN SportsCenter, and 1000+ media outlets wordwide!

I think he means worldwide, but maybe not.  Now that I think on it, I'm guessing the pun is intentional.

So why not an International Men's Day? Well, there is. It's on November 19th and is celebrated by doing manly type things.  Gentlemanly, if you will, but still manly.  I think I'll mark it on my calendar and spend some time at the range, followed by a good meal of rare steak with all the trimmings.  I'll have Drambuie for desert, taken straight up in a brandy snifter, and slightly above room temperature.

Years ago I ran into a bartender who not only didn't know what Drambuie was, but couldn't serve it correctly.  She tried three times, failed all three, and the manager had to explain it to her.  She was incensed, as any stupid, ignorant, and incompetent girl would be and denied responsibility for the entire business.  Is anyone surprised?  I'm not.

So yesterday the feminazis celebrated such notables as Sylvia Plath, a mentally unstable poet who committed suicide; Gertrude Stein, a writer whose callous comment on the death of Isadora Duncan (Affectations can be fatal) betrayed her true demeanor; and we mustn't forget Oprah.  'Oprah? I remember her,' said Uncle Hant reflectively. 'Looks like five hundred pounds of bear liver in a plastic bag?'   Hant don’t actually exist. He’s a Literary Device.

Hat tip to Fred Reed.  While Hant exists only in Fred's mind (frightening thought), there are a lot of other men just like him who do exist, who were brought up to treat women with respect and consideration.  That means holding the door for her, letting her precede you into the room, helping her off with her coat, and holding her chair for her.  When you're at the table and a woman gets to her feet, the men rise as well.  It's a show of deference, common courtesy, and respect.

What you won't see is a celebration of women such as Calamity Jane.  Well, it's their loss.


  1. The fact they consider purity "controversial" says all one needs.
