Monday, March 2, 2020

But, but, I tried SO HARD!!!

Which is why we have participation trophies, Petey-Sweety.

Keep reading with the usual warning about off-color politically insensitive and racially... whatever.

Buttigieg Ends Historic Presidential Campaign, Urges Unity

From the article:
He [Butt-Jigger - MJ] didn’t endorse any of his former rivals, though he and Biden traded voicemails on Sunday. Buttigieg has spent the past several weeks warning that nominating progressive leader Bernie Sanders to take on President Donald Trump would be risky.
What (s)he means is that nominating crazy uncle Bernie to lead the pack to the roses presumes the stress won't kill him outright, or drive him further around the bend than he already is.  Mind you, the first would clearly preclude the second, which would be a good thing - I suppose.  I'm just waiting for Hitlery to jump in here somewhere and maybe run as vice.

For my part, I'm not ready to accept a screamin' queen for any kind of public office, and this one was an overt whiner.  I'm glad he's history.

Big Mike had a slightly different take on the situation, but he's more tolerant than I am.

If I got to have a gay president, he/she/it need to be a pitcher not a catcher.  I'm pretty sure Hildebeast and the Iron Lady (Margret Thatcher) wear/wore the Steely Dan in their relationships.

- Big Mike


  1. And he flopped to Biden... Probably for some cabinet post... Hear his 'hubby' is not happy with him.

  2. Dear Mad Jack, I should say that was one hilarious blog and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. To see every character react in a different way to nominating Bernie Sanders to take on Donald Trump was very interesting.Thank you for sharing with us these political rivalry and racialism that is going on in the state.

  3. CW: Glad you liked it.
    Old NFO: Flopped is right, and I don't want to hear anything more about he and hubby.
    Andrea: Thank you.
