Friday, April 10, 2020

Midnight Shooter: Still Making Noise

They pass laws
     to stop my pen
But the Midnight Shooter
     is at it again

Or something like that.  Keep reading, if you've a mind to.

On April 9th, 2020 at around 10:30 PM EST, my television and alcohol induced torpor was interrupted by six shots from a .38 revolver.  How do I know?  From the sound and the cadence, that's how.

It's the Midnight Shooter, and he's still with us.  I'm kind of wondering if he reads any social media, because he changed his time from midnight or later to around 10:30, while I'm still awake.  If so, he has my sincere thanks.

I never had an objection to this man torching off six as the spirit moved him.  He's likely shooting into the ground, or maybe putting six into the neighbor's garage... well, probably not.  I'm betting he's putting six into the ground and calling it a night.

I wish I'd been out there with him; I could have test fired my new Ruger.

I didn't call the cops or report the disturbance to the local constabulary.  Why bother?  I don't think the cops actually want to catch this man anyway.  He isn't hurting anything, and he's always long gone before they can show up.

Tonight I'll raise a glass and toast the Midnight Shooter of Machine Gun Alley.


  1. I was going to buy foam insulation to line my garage door with to suppress noise from my .22 so I could shoot out their.
    In the winter, no one ever heard it.
    Now the stupid governess shut down home repair stores.

  2. Well, if the racket from your .22 disturbs your neighbors, it's a good reason to legalize sound suppressors. Which should be legal anyway.
