Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Presidential Election 2020 - What the Moonbats Are Up To

November's the month!  Get out there and vote for Donald Trump for a second term.  Should Trump win, the explosion of moonbat heads everywhere may cause a shift in the Earth's orbit.  Much of the Republik of Kalifornia will be underwater... well, I can hope, can't I?

I think I've discovered what the moonbats might be up to in 2020.  Keep reading, and if you're a moonbat with a thin skin, know that you've been issued the usual trigger warnings (maxi-trigger, trigger, and micro-trigger).

Crazy Uncle Bernie has left the building, surprising no one.  The one thing a candidate must have to win a presidential election is stamina.  The hours are brutal, you travel constantly, and you're bound to get sick several times during the campaign.  Most times it's the common cold that nails you, so you treat the symptoms and drink.  Water, that is.  Every so often you'll eat something that goes through your system like a jet engine propelled rotor-rooter, which also can be counteracted with OTC drugs.

But Bernie?  He's too old and feeble to make the finish line.  This is nothing against Bernie.  We all get old, we all can't do what we did when we were twenty-something and tearing it up every night, all night.

So long Bernie.

That leaves the moonbats with Joe Biden, AKA Sleepy Joe.  Joe has familiarity with the job, seeing as how he was the Ayatollah Obongo's VP for eight years.  Biden was the perfect VP.  He had a pulse, he took up space, and he could be counted on not to have an opinion on anything.  He read the teleprompter, did what he was told, and was otherwise thoroughly beneath notice.  What more could a President ask for?

The trouble is that Uncle Joe may well be suffering from dementia.  Watch him as he speaks in public.  He fumbles, he can't remember things, and he's easily confused.  This isn't his fault; this is what dementia does.  Now he has the strain of running for President, and if that isn't a cast iron bitch then I've never seen one.  So why run Uncle Joe?

Because there's such a thing as a running mate.  Consider the four horsewomen of the apocalypse:

  • Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Michigan's 13th district.  Muslim.  Hater of all things Christian and all things Jewish.
  • Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts's 7th district. Claims to be a 'woman of faith'.  A liar and devil worshiper.
  • Ilhan Omar (D-MN), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Minnesota's 5th district.  Muslim.  A traitor in the raw.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 14th district.  Catholic, non-practicing.  Terminally stupid.

The Lunatic Left would like nothing more than to get one of these four into the Oval Office, but run any one of them as a candidate for President, and the moonbats will eat their own.  Which they already do, but you see my point.

Consider AOC for a second.  She came out of the Kennedy empire administration with a platinum résumé and couldn't find a job anywhere.  No one, not one other moonbat camp anywhere, would have her.  There's a reason for that.  The woman is truly stupid, and whatever she was doing for the Kennedy group, she must have been good at it.  My guess is that she's a loose cannon and won't do as she's told - in political instances, anyway.

Attach AOC to Sleepy Joe as a running mate.  If he wins, and that's a big if, she's VP.  Six months down the road Sleepy Joe's unfortunate condition can be leaked, then revealed.  He'll resign amid buckets of tears and best wishes from everyone - and guess who is redecorating the double wide at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

It doesn't have to be AOC.  I just picked her at random.  But keep an eye on old Joe and see if you think I'm right, then see just who his running mate is.


  1. I think everybody but the terminally Kool-Aided have tumbled onto this. I was just on Twitter (which is extremely well-named in this case)and this class are just full of warm fuzzys on Obama's declaration of support, and are basically getting the Chris Wallaces all over their bodies. The Bernie-ites are bitching about Biden, but not a word about their guy stabbing them in the back. If they had any concept beyond what the party gives them, they'd leave the room faster than a cat at the dog pound, but that is obviously never been the case. What's lost in all this is the old man who should be getting some help who's being shoved up front like a manikin. Every Dem voter will have this poor man's suffering on their hands come judgment day.

  2. Hmmmmmm….

    I dunno if I see that, Jack. The Hag Squad are hated by everybody, even most democrats. He will need one that has popular support and most democrat women are the kind that disgust the public. If they want to run a woman, they will need to find one that hasn't alienated the public.

  3. CW: You got that right. I actually feel sorry for the man.

    Glen: I used the first example that came to mind, but even the Hag Squad got elected. You're thinking that the Left is comprised of intelligent, erudite, emotionally mature adults. I'm thinking the opposite is true - that the Left is made up of stupid, ignorant, hotheaded people over 18. Probably the real truth of the matter lies somewhere closer to my opinion than yours - but I may be wrong about this. We'll see.
