Tuesday, May 26, 2020


I don't know just who started this particular meme, but here's my every day carry, AKA EDC. At least, that's what I suppose EDC stands for.

Starting from the bottom left and working counterclockwise:

  • My phone.  I refuse to own a smart phone of any stripe, and insist that all I need is a phone that will make and receive phone calls.  It also has to have a plug for a wired headset, which I use for the rare extended conversation as well as freeing up my hands so I can talk and type.  Don't text me; I hate texting.  Send me email.
  • My LCP II in .380, inside its sticky holster.  I carry it where I used to carry my billfold and money clip - right breech - and it has taken me a few days to reach with my left instead of my right.
  • My lock blade knife.  I own several, but I rather like this one because it has a safety on it, thus keeping it from opening in your pocket and doing you a mischief.
  • My asthma inhaler.  I have exercised induced bronchial asthma, and every so often require medication.  This condition has sent me to the ER three times in my adult life.
  • My handkerchief.  I carry a pocket handkerchief, which I'm given to understand is a bit odd these days.  I find it useful.
  • My flashlight.  Big Mike gave me a SureFire Sidekick Flashlight, a truly useful gift.  As we get older, we find that we need a little more light than we did 40 years ago.  This has three settings and recharges on any USB port.  The high setting really lights things up.
  • My reading glasses.  These are good old store bought reading glasses and not recommended by any optometrist or ophthalmologist.  Because, see, they don't make any money off this.
  • Money Clip.  Usually bereft of the old long green, but right now I'm flush.
  • Wallet.  Holding everything but money, I have a tri-fold wallet.  The only pictures you'll ever find in it is the one on my driver's license and another on my Ohio CCW. 

And that, as they say, is that.

Now if someone would explain just why anyone would be interested in my EDC, I'd be momentarily grateful.


  1. Might be interesting reading to your local pickpocket- especially if self-preservation is his thing...

  2. CW: The true pickpocket is a lost art. It requires a large amount of dexterity, self-teaching, and practice. The thugs today go out polar bear hunting.

    Glen: I've been thinking about it, but carrying an extra mag or two adds bulk and weight - two things that are in short supply everywhere except my waistline. My thinking is that if I can't do it in six, I've a severe problem and an extra mag or two isn't going to help.
