Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Current Idiocy: NYPD, Sweden and COVID-19

Part opinion, part rant, part fact.  You decide.

No moonbats, SJWs, or Progressives allowed.  You might leave a comment and I just don't have the patience right now.


From Fox: Mayor... Governor...

Mayor Bill de Blasio called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to apologize to the NYPD, as the feud between the two Democrat politicians showed no sign of abating despite New York City being ripped apart by rioting.

"You have 38,000 NYPD people, it is the largest police department in the United States of America," he [Cuomo] said. "Use 38,000 people and protect property. Use the police, protect property and people. Look at the videos, it was a disgrace."
Both de Blasio and Cuomo can go piss up a rope.  Neither one of 'em gives a flying fuck about the NYPD, the residents of NYC, and the safety and well-being of same.  What both these jellyfish care about is election day.

New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea can also go play in traffic.  He's no better than de Blasio or Cuomo.

Think for a minute.  Imagine you're a NY cop.  Your salary isn't nearly high enough, you get to deal with criminals all day - meaning stupid people who smell bad, carry disease, and are prone to unpredictable violent behavior.  This can be a bit nerve-wracking.

What can't be fixed by Vodka and Xanax is this latest little chuckhole in the road of life, ostensibly involving four white cops in Minneapolis who murdered a black man in broad daylight... so here we go.

Now, thanks to this grade 'B' remake of the Detroit Riots, you get lots and lots of overtime.  You also get modernized medieval armor that you hope will protect you, but maybe not, and you also get less than lethal weaponry of several varieties.  What you really want are quad fifties and a dump truck load of ammo, with Puff circling the city on standby.  But you ain't got that.

Then you're ordered to go outside and play whack-a-mole with a bunch of screwed up protestors, about ten percent of whom look to be organized in ways you truly do not like.  For company and moral support you have your cop buddies, most of whom used to have sanity and common sense, and all of whom just want to make it to the bell and retire someday.  You're pretty well convinced that if you had common sense and sanity, you wouldn't be here.

Let me assure all the BLM, NBP, and Progressive Alphabet Soup members reading this hound that if it would bring about peace in even one city, the cops in NYC would gladly drive to Minneapolis and kidnap Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao, Thomas Lane, and Alexander Kueng, then affix a safety rope to their necks and give them flying lessons off the Brooklyn Bridge.

But that's not gonna happen either.

Hey look!  Squirrel!

Black Lives Matter!

Black Lives Matter Plans Armed 'Peace Officers' in 'War on Police,' NY Leader Says

The Black Lives Matter movement will develop an armed branch of “peace officers” to combat police brutality in black communities during the so-called “war on police,” according to one of its leaders.

Protests broke out across the country following the death of unarmed Minneapolis black man George Floyd while in police custody, bringing the BLM movement back into national focus. In an interview with the Daily Mail, BLM New York chapter Chairman Hawk Newsome described how the group plans to follow in the footsteps of the Black Panthers Party by matching fire with fire – when necessary.

“We're talking about self-defense. We're talking about defending our communities,” Newsome said.

Oh yeah, this is real good. Keep reading.

The move is reminiscent of the Black Panthers Party, which created "peace officers" who open-carried firearms while patrolling black communities in order to deter police brutality. Newsome confirmed that the BLM "peace officers" would also be armed and open carry guns in states that allow it.

Which is how California got started with the gun laws they have today. Ronald Reagan was President of Kalifornia during the '60s when all this took place, and once the cops ran up against armed Black Panthers, laws against open carry were passed in a double secret emergency session of the city council.  To continue:

We pattern ourselves after the Black Panthers, after the Nation of Islam, we believe that we need an arm to defend ourselves,” Newsome explained. “We will build and train peace officers to keep the peace in our communities, to defend our communities, to keep our communities safe.”

Did everyone catch that highlighted bit?

So when the Islamic Peace Officer responds to a domestic and finds a beaten bloody wife, three terrified kids who have just had the living crap slapped out of them, what do you supposed our NBP Peace Officer will do?

"Well bitch, you shouldn't have pissed him off. Now you know better."

Because, you know, Sharia Islamic Law.  Although I gather that it does say someplace in their holy book (Qur'an?) that a husband is not allowed to beat his wife excessively.  So there's that to consider.  But my money is on something more like this:

Peace Officer One: "Hey Moe-Moe, what do you tell a woman with two black eyes?"

Mohammad: "Damfino."

Peace Officer One: "Nothin'. She didn't listen the first two times!"

Ha! Har-Har!

Oh boy.

The clock's ticking on this one. It's just a matter of time until the fertilizer hits the turbine blades, somebody gets dinged, and the NYPD steps right into a big bucket of fuck.


I found this on UNZ, and it's a bit dry, but I found it's really worth the read.

Sweden's Triumph; Staying Free in a Lockdown World

The reason the media publishes roughly 15 articles blasting Sweden for every one article voicing support is because the media has a stake in the outcome. The media wants to dispel the idea that there is any alternative to the authoritarian lockdown approach. Thus, the Swedish model– that leaves parts of the economy open and trusts people to follow the government’s “distancing” guidelines — has to be obliterated.

My question about COVID-19 had to do with the homeless population in California and why it wasn't being decimated by COVID-19.  Because if it was, the commercial news media wasn't reporting it, and by all accounts most of the homeless should have found a new home in the afterlife by now.

After reading about Sweden, a few things started to add up.  Then I put these things with commercial media, and remembered that this is the same commercial media that:
  • Predicted Hillary Clinton would win the Presidential Election.
  • Explained just why Hillary Clinton failed miserably to win the Presidential Election.
  • Tried to smear President Trump several times
  • Failed to provide any shred of proof to support their allegations against President Trump
  • Hailed the Impeachment of President Trump like it was the second coming
  • Declared a national day of Hair on Fire when the government failed to impeach President Trump
  • Bitterly resented the booming economy under President Trump
  • Decried President Trump for meeting with the Ruling Fathead of North Korea.

And on and on and on.

We, the people of the United States, been had.  We could have kept our freedom and most of our economy if our elected tree-weasels hadn't over-reacted to the COVID crises.  I point at the gun confiscation that happened in NOLA during and after Hurricane Katrina, and the militarized cops ordering people from their homes and into the absolute hell of that stupid stadium.

Now social media is getting into the act and censoring certain people they don't approve of.  Probably me, if my site got a significant amount of traffic.  Which it does, but the market is a bit vertical and somewhat narrow.

Thanks for reading.  I'm going to go have a cocktail.


  1. I need to take Xanax and chase it with Jack Daniels. BLM is a hate group; they hate white people, and they hate the police. Now they are planning to patrol their neighborhoods with armed peace officers? Following Sharia Law?

    What could possibly go wrong.

  2. Those cops are innocent. The perp was coked to the gills on fentynyl and whatever else was in his stash when he swallowed it to keep the cops from finding it. His heart stopped in minutes.

    The moral of this latest morality play is “don’t live around blacks, they are violent and stupid and the law will protect them.”

  3. Glen: I sort of agree, and sort of not. Chauvin had his knee on Floyd's neck and wouldn't let up. That isn't right.

    The argument being that Floyd and Chauvin worked 'security' at the same bar, likely knew of each other (would you work security with someone you knew nothing about? Yeah, neither would I), might easily have known each other. If Chauvin knew or sincerely believed that Floyd would be a serious problem, even with the cuffs on him, then he's justified in keeping the man prone on the deck until more help arrives. I'm talking corn-fed help, if you get my drift. But not resting a knee on the man's neck.

    We'll see how this one shakes out, but if the accused selects trial by judge (and they probably will), pray for me and mine. The blacks will use this as an excuse to turn the rioting up a few notches, and while the police are busy trying to contain a thousand or so rioters, they won't have the manpower to cover ordinary crime. Will criminals aren't smart enough to figure this one out for themselves, they won't have to. Commercial Media will do it for them.

  4. I’m sorry Jack... while your narrative is plausible , I suppose... think about it. Would you murder the perp, in cold blood, in front of cameras? And 3 co-workers? Speaking of them... none of them said anything while this was going on? This was a case of another Dindu winning his Darwin Award.

    Black lives don’t matter to me at all anymore. 50% have an IQ of lower than 85... if you are going to have large populations of people that are too stupid to hold a job, this is the kind of stuff they’ll do.

    Mind you... I suppose Whitey isn’t being that bright about anything either...

  5. Glen: Funny, you don't sound sorry... ;)

    What I would do in front of a camera, or what you would do, and what these four dumb-asses did are radically different things. My thought, after seeing the tox screen on your site (thanks for the post by the way), is that Tyrone's lifespan was measure in minutes no matter what. All that said, they shouldn't have held him down with a knee to his neck and two others sitting on him while the nine iron kept watch. Hindsight being 20/20 and all.

    We'll see what shakes out at trial, but I'm betting the four get a slap on the wrist and a stern admonishment. I plan to keep one in the chamber after that.

    You may note that the only people involved in the BLM and related movements that have an IQ well above room temperature are either in leadership positions or are religious leaders. Either way, they're making some bucks and prestige off the deal.

    The dumb honkies desperately trying to paint themselves a socially acceptable shade of not white are brainwashed to the point of idiocy. Anyone trying to actually fix the problem is still looking for a definition of the problem that everyone will accept, and they aren't finding it.
