Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Times is Hard

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to write these days.  Between the fatally wounded economy, the continuing promises of COVID-19 deaths that just aren't happening, and the alphabet soup of hate groups predicting a violent response should President Trump be elected to a second term - we're living in interesting times.

I blame the Democrats and their allies for all of this.  I actually believe that the COVID-19 virus was released deliberately by China, and was brought into the U.S. at the behest of, and with help from, the Democratic Party.  Having watched their tactics for years, I conclude that the Democrats will do absolutely anything, and I mean anything, to ensure victory in the upcoming election.  A ruined economy means nothing to them, nor does the deaths of several million hoi polloi.  I rather doubt that any of the perpetrators will ever be arrested and prosecuted for their crimes - actually, I do more than just doubt; I think it's a stone cold fact.

To keep the masses occupied, we've got the BLM and their allies, steadily pushing forward with their pseudo civil rights movement.  I lived through the real civil rights movement in the 1960s, and I know what I'm talking about.  I saw discrimination first hand, and I have some vivid memories of the Democratic Convention of 1968.  That was then, this is now, and whatever the BLM peace loving protestors think they're doing - it has nothing to do with civil rights.  This isn't about civil rights; this is about domestic terrorism.

We, the great unwashed, aren't meeting this challenge correctly, but there are extenuating circumstances.  Like, for instance, the local government.  Check the story on Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who dared to defend their home against a peaceful BLM demonstration.

Missouri Couple Who Defended Home Have Rifle Seized

In the June incident, Patricia McCloskey said, the couple was startled just before dinnertime when “300 to 500 people” entered the gated community where they live.

"[They said] that they were going to kill us," Patricia McCloskey told Hannity on Monday night. "They were going to come in there. They were going to burn down the house. They were going to be living in our house after I was dead, and they were pointing to different rooms and said, 'That’s going to be my bedroom and that’s going to be the living room and I’m going to be taking a shower in that room’.”"
The BLM terrorists started out by trespassing on private property.  When confronted, they did what all cowards do.  They shouted obscenities and advanced to the rear.

The the almighty authorities came in with a search warrant and confiscated McCloskey's rifle, making life safe for the BLM terrorists to return.  Ah, but wait!  The McCloskeys hired a private security firm to protect their home.

Me, I would have taken hard cover and have someone else issue a single warning: Leave the way you came in, or leave leaking.

With an AR15 and sufficient ammo, a few would get away, but many wouldn't.  And maybe, just maybe, a few other people would get the idea that there are those of us who won't tolerate having our homes and communities destroyed by a bunch of worthless terrorists.

If the COVID-19 virus were performing as advertised, the homeless population in the United States should be falling faster than the Dow Jones on a bad day.  It isn't, and I'd like to know why.  Either it's not being reported, or the homeless are immune, or the virus is pretty much a dud.  I don't know the real answer, but I do know that all these COVID-19 deaths being reported - aren't.  I know this because the homeless population is larger than ever, especially in Los Angeles.

I've had enough.  I'm going to have a nice, dry martini and follow it with dinner.  My thanks to all of you for reading.


  1. I am removing myself from the political thing. You can't trust any of the BS out there. Thus I have reduced it down to WWJD, and am doing that. Others can examine their own consciences.

  2. I think you’re absolutely right, Jack.

    The Democrats have created so many monsters and problems... and now they are coming home to roost. They are going to have to crack down ever harder, and more harshly to keep a lid on the pot of troubles they created. The conservatives are not guiltless, they have stood by and let the liberals run rampant for years.

    I’ve been in a heated debate over at Comrade Misfit’s, and it’s flat out lunacy over there. The Chinkypox is all Blimpf’s fault, as is BLM, the weather and all her personal problems, they believe everything the mass media is selling, and the beatings will continue until we all speak and think the proper way. They think all the arson, looting, rapes and murders are entirely justified. Those guys aren’t going to stop until they are stopped, plain and simple.

  3. Ed: It's always good to hear from you.

    CW: I know what you mean.

    Glen: It's that part about justification of personal violent crime that bothers me the most. This is where the Federal government should step in and settle their hash.
