Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Midnight Shooter

I don't know if I've mentioned this guy before or not, but he's at it again.  I've dubbed him The Midnight Shooter.  Last night around 1:30 AM he torched off 7 rounds - probably 8, as I was asleep and the first shot woke me up.  Anyway...

I decided to report the incident to the local cops (Columbus PD) and filled out a report online.  I don't expect it will do any good, one way or another, but there you have it.

I don't care if this man torches off a few rounds, I just wish he'd do it earlier.


  1. We moved out of a neighborhood because of this...tired of living around fools.

  2. And I'm betting they aren't even bothering to look... sigh

  3. Anon. - Truly, I hear you. If I had a better alternative, I'd move, and not just for that reason.

    Old NFO: As dark as it is, I'm betting they can't see much. I was talking to one of my neighbors yesterday, and she said there was another series of shot at 4:30 AM. He torched off four, then three.
