Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Trump Commercial

Banned on 47 social media sites!  

Brought to you at great expense and personal risk!  

For a limited time only!

Adults Only - No Children or Fainthearted Women Allowed!

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Edited for Accuracy on 10/29/20

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Current news situation revealed... only there's nothing there.

The old news is that various social media sites have been deleting anything that doesn't suit their current political agenda.  In some cases a news or blog site has been de-platformed, as the service provider served the site an eviction notice.  The only good news here is that the moonbats eat their own, so some SJW door knob sucking bull dyke fearing son of a two dollar whore is going to feel safe, secure, and self-righteous one minute, then go down under a snarling pack of SJW attack bats the next.  He/She/It/Them will never know what hit 'em.

Meantime, by way of retaliation, American Greatness has created a directory to potentially suppressed web sites and content.  Check the link Announcing Winston84: A Directory to Suppressed Content.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth."
— Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four

So now we have Winston84, which is worth a visit. From the site:

This website collects and catalogs online voices, with links to their platforms, that have been deplatformed, demonetized, shadowbanned, or otherwise suppressed. We may or may not share their opinions, but we firmly support their right to be heard.

I didn't get this link from personal research or web surfing; I got it from some other blogger, and I can't remember just who it was.  Anyway, credit and thanks goes out to he who shares the wealth.


As I said earlier, I couldn't remember where I'd found the link.  My thanks to SteveP for pointing this out to me.  Thanks, and a hoist of the morning bourbon glass to you, Sir!

The way this whole thing shakes out is that I was reading Knuckledraggin My Life Away when I found the story Announcing Winston84: A Directory to Suppressed Content posted by Wirecutter the noble host of Knuckledraggin', which led me to another link, Announcing Winston84: A Directory to Suppressed Content posted by By Edward Ring. And finally, to the list.  There now.