Saturday, November 14, 2020

Just Imagine the Perfect Christmas Gift

This year, get the old ball and chain something that will scare the crap out of everyone and make the dog bark in the middle of the night.  Just attach this little beast to a motion sensor and leave it in the bedroom hallway, or maybe in the living room.  You're on your way to get a midnight brewski, and the thing lights up.  If the dog sets it off, you'll probably get a canine call to general quarters.

Here it is.

I found this calamity on FaceBook, and the first thing that occurred to me was that in my entire life I've never met a sane woman... okay, a woman of marriageable age who would tolerate a nightmare like that for more than two minutes - an estimate of the time it would take her to think up a tactful way of telling the gift-giver that this white elephant is going back from whence it came.

Just who would actually buy something like that?