Saturday, December 19, 2020

When the devil's In The Pulpit

CW Martin reminded me of this pastoral train wreck, and reminded me that I'd written about it back in October of 2017.  Read it or not at Church Scandal in Toledo, Ohio.  The short of it is that three scumbags and one scumbaggette got caught abusing a teenage girl.  They are:

Kenneth Butler (Works as a Prophet at Kingdom Encounter Family Worship Center 3030 N. Reynolds Rd. Toledo, Ohio)

Anthony Haynes (Works as an Apostle at the Greater Life Christian Center, 1130 Detroit Ave, Toledo, Ohio)

Cordell Jenkins (Works as a pastor at Abundant Life Ministries, 5025 Glendale Ave, Toledo, OH.  Father is Bishop Chorrethers M. Jenkins and works out of Grace Evangelistic Temple in Youngstown, Ohio.

Laura Lloyd-Jenkins is Cordell's soon to be ex-wife, used to be a political somebody, and is scheduled to be sentenced later on this week.

Now Haynes is trying for compassionate release due to - well, read for yourself.  The usual warnings apply - not safe for Moonbats, may contain racist, misogynist, and deliberate insults to minority groups and protected classes.

From The Christian Post, which is actually a decent site, CW Martin found this article and passed me the link.

Pastor Serving Life in Prison For Trafficking Teen Girl Seeks Compassionate Release Due to Covid-19

From the article:
An Ohio pastor [Anthony Haynes, a former pastor from Ohio] sentenced to life in prison last year for grooming a teenage girl to have sex with him and two other pastors is seeking compassionate release from prison by claiming his life is threatened by the coronavirus.

Which is likely a lie.  He's now known as pastor short eyes, and fellow prisoners do not treat a short eyes with the kindness and generosity most of them think they deserve.

From the article:
The former church leader, who is being held at the Federal Correctional Institution in Gilmer County, West Virginia, a medium-security prison, said he was worried about his health, as well as the health of his mother, while he remains incarcerated.

Haynes claims he suffers from:

  • Sleep apnea, which is defined as a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.  What's really causing the stress is the thought that his celly might put a pillow over his face and leave it there for ten minutes after the struggling stops.
  • An unspecified respiratory condition, again with the breathing.  Eventually, Haynes will stop breathing and we'll all be better off. Marginally, maybe, but better off.
  • Athlete’s foot, which I find suitably funny, as the fat fuck can't touch his toes with the aid of a block and tackle.  This could be remedied by amputation of the feet.
  • Type 2 diabetes, which is common in fat, black, child molesting ex-pastors.
  • Obesity, because a steady diet of ribs, fried chicken, and shoo-fly pie will do that to you.  Prison chow is high on carbs, so the fat get fatter.
  • High blood pressure, brought on by being surrounded by men who are violent and don't like child molesters.
  • A sinus condition, probably caused by a broken nose. I hope.
  • An umbilical hernia, which is not dangerous in and of itself, but there is a risk that the hernia will get trapped (they call this an incarcerated umbilical hernia - who knew?).  This can cut off the blood supply to the contents of the hernia, causing life-threatening conditions such as gangrene or peritonitis (if this happens, the hernia is said to be strangulated - also an appropriate term).
  • And the final malady, diverticulitis — which is an inflammation of pouches in the intestines. It's painful.

So where are they now?  Well...

Kingdom Encounter Family Worship Center, gone for good.

Greater Life Christian Center, permanently closed.

Abundant Life Ministries shut down completely.  When the pastor got busted, some people did an audit of the church finances and discovered that the Church is dead broke and in debt up to the rafters.  The corporation is bankrupt, and the congregation is looking for a new home.  So the last I knew, Abundant Life Ministries found a spot and is now open again with a new name: Perfecting Toledo.

Perfecting Church Toledo (4609 Glendale Ave, Toledo, OH 43614) is up and running with pastor Marvin Winans.  I'd give this place a pass, but maybe that's just me.

Kenneth Butler is doing 17 1/2 years in the slammer.

Anthony Haynes is doing life.

Cordell Jenkins is doing life.

Laura Lloyd-Jenkins is doing 21 months.

Alisa Haynes, 43, wife of former pastor Anthony Haynes, is doing 24 months in prison for witness tampering.

Alexis Fortune, 24, Anthony's stepdaughter, is doing 48 months in prison for witness tampering.

In my opinion, Laura Lloyd-Jenkins should be doing life without parole.  She isn't, and the reason is that her political connections helped her out.  This proves my belief that our justice system is a long way from fair and equitable.

I'd give the rest of these scum 25 to life, and let them meditate on their sins for a while.  I don't think that they know much about praying.

Show's over, and it's time for happy hour.


  1. At first look at the title of this post, I thought it was going to involve the liberalization of Pastors in the pulpit, a real thing that I witnessed in 1984 when I was in Bible college, and knew was coming,from how the school taught men headed into the ministry.
    Imagine my disgust when I saw the actual post,and the reason that these so called ministers of the Word landed themselves in prison. I know that God forgave those who trusted in the shed blood of Jesus. I also know that God said " be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall a man reap."
    These people might be forgiven by God, that is between them and God. But the punishment coming to them on earth should be very harsh. I worked with a young man in my lifelong job in the foundry, who was involved with being the kingpin of a drug ring, and sending people to steal from another drug dealer, who ended up dead. He was killed in the robbery, and my coworker was sent to prison for life. I heard around a year or so ago, that during an attempted rape, both of his shoulders were dislocated. Somehow, I could not feel bad for him.


  2. Thanks for the tip 'o' the hat and your continuing research. Like Pigpen, I have little sympathy for those who wrap greed and lust in 'cloaks of God.' While I have a hope that someday they might regret their actions and begin to actually seek Jesus, I don't spend a lot of time requesting it.

  3. PigPen: Nice to hear from you. Pastors, ministers, elders, et al. - all of these men and women occupy a special office. It's true that the Bible is written so that the common man can understand the main points without translation (the Holy Spirit will help with this), but these are the people that are called to serve the Lord, and to help the common man with solid Biblical teaching as well as help when difficulties and tragedies are encountered. Those that pervert that office in thought, word, and deed are in the service of the evil one, whose name I refuse to write for shame. The damage these people have done to churches everywhere won't be easy to repair.

    My first Church was Christian, non-denominational, and Elder led. There is strength in numbers, and strength is what was needed here. Sadly, that strength wasn't sought after. Instead, these people suffered pride due to their authority, and so succumbed to the evil one. They were alone, they ruled their church, and so fell.

    My thought is the same one I had when I read about the Kermit Barron Gosnell case: What makes you think this is an isolated instance? Those people talked to each other. This isn't something that started one morning. It grew over time. I'm convinced there are others.

    CW: I'm with you. This entire business is bad, and hurts Christians everywhere.

  4. Oh, guaranteed, Jack. Wherever you have power and influence, you will have predators. Grifters, perverts, nutters - you name it. So it goes for the church, so it goes for the boy scouts, the minor hockey leagues, and high political offices. Any organization that claims to be above and beyond such predation is one to be closely scrutinized and not to be trusted.

    My wife's church was like yours, with the Elders leading it. The deal with them was that there was no such thing as a 'personal life'. Their doings, private and public, were under constant scrutiny by the other elders and a committee. Apparently one was dismissed in disgrace in the past because of it.

    I think we need to bring back that kind of scrutiny and accountability. Trump's finances should be public domain. As should Pelosi's, Obama's, and the rest of those parasites. Bill Clinton should be in cage with Joe Biden and his crack headed son.

    Until our leaders have to answer for their actions, this stuff will continue to go on.

  5. If the Elders actually disciplined one of their own, and did so evenhandedly and for biblical reasons, then that is the church worth joining.

    Trump's finances could be open to public scrutiny, but given his accounting department there isn't going to be one CPA in one hundred that understands what's going on. His accounting firm is likely giving Ernst-Young lessons on tax law, and I can guarantee you that they have the I.R.S. auditors praying that they aren't assigned to the Trump case - or anything like it.

    I don't care about the money so much as I care about the incredible amount of absolute crap that comes out of the legislative branch and gets signed into law.
