Saturday, January 23, 2021

United at a Price

I've been more than a little depressed of late.  A pair of incompetents (Joseph Robinette Biden Jr and Kamala Devi Harris) have been fraudulently elected to the office of the President and Vice President, respectively.  Both are liberal Democrats; both are conspicuously unscrupulous and incompetent to serve.

Plenty of rants and criticisms have already been written about these two, and more will be written over the next four years.  It's during this time that the GOP must mount an effective offensive against the moonbats.  I sincerely doubt they'll be able to achieve anything meaningful, but if they want to keep their respective seats and honor their commitment of service to their constituents, they must try.

This, while the moonbats howl in joyous schadenfreude, while chanting slogans about peace and unity.  Just what would it take to unite the Left and the Right?

A starting point would be to reform the election procedure.  Begin with issuing Federal identification cards for everyone who is eligible to vote, and include a photo and fingerprint, along with their residences.  Get some security experts involved and make this ID as foolproof as possible.

This wouldn't fix the past, but it would ensure that we wouldn't have an election like the last one ever again.

The debt held by the public at the close of 2020 was $21.6 Trillion; one trillion being 1,000,000,000,000 or one million millions.  For those of you who passed Algebra II, this number can be written as 1012 (ten to the twelfth power).  This definition of trillion appears on something called the short scale, which is used in the U.S.A. and the British English systems.  Other countries use the old Long Scale, which makes the number appear smaller than it actually is.

So... $21,600,000,000,000 (Twenty One Trillion Six Hundred Billion Dollars and No Cents).  Not-a-president Biden wants to kick it up another notch by giving away $1.9 Trillion to the Great Unwashed.  That would be me.

So if the adult population of the United States is 209,128,094 people (which it might not be, but so what?) and Stupid takes $1,900,000,000,000 samolians in credit card funds, that would be... let's see.  Scratch off the seven... try the calculator, and it doesn't work on number this large, so find an online calculator that works okay.  Well, that would be $9,085.00 each and every one of us could put in our kick.  That's a lot of scratch to just show up in the old mailbox.

But that's not what's planned.  Nope, not at all.  Instead of the nine large that you should be getting, you might, might, get $1,400.  But you'll have to wait six months or more so Congress can stop posturing and beefing about it, then the U.S. Federal Government in all its fucking glory and efficiency can print a check and mail it to you.

If our not-a-president really wanted some popularity on the other side of the hedge, he could begin by:

Sending every adult a check for nine large in the next 30 days.  Think about it.  Thirty days from now you've got an extra nine grand to play with, pay bills with, or do whatever with.

Double down on the wall between the United States and Mexico.  No more illegals will be admitted to the United States.

Round 'em up and head 'em out.  Declare open season on illegals inside the United States.  Send 'em home in a boxcar.  If they show up again illegally, give 'em three years at hard labor and send 'em all back home.  Any more than twice merits corporal punishment, hard labor, and a one way ticket home in a boxcar.

Drop the minimum wage laws.  All of 'em.  If people want to see wages go up, what's needed is a labor shortage.  Ergo, increase industry.

Institute a wage ceiling.  Take the lowest paid full time employee in the company and decide the factor between lowest and the highest.  For the sake of argument, let's say 50.  The guy sweeping the floor makes $31,200; the CEO makes $1,560,000.  Enforce this for all publicly traded companies and watch the stock market - because that's not what's happening now, and all that extra moolah will get spread around in the form of dividends.

If you don't pay property taxes, you don't get to vote on property tax levies.  It's really simple.

Enforce the 2A.  Form up a committee comprised of members from the Gun Owners of America, and have them find and list the laws in each State that violate the Second Amendment.  Strike these laws down as being unconstitutional and nullify them by Executive Order.  Enforce this as necessary - we have an entire army; let 'em fight domestic enemies.

There now.  That's a good start.  Do that, and the Lunatics will start taking to the Wingnuts.  You might not like what they say, but they'll be too few in number to matter much.  The rest of the country will be holding its collective breath.

Mind you, this is all fantasy.  What is likely to happen is that things will get worse instead of better, and at some point long after I've gone to my great reward the United States will go bankrupt.  Social services will simply stop.  The military won't get paid, welfare checks won't arrive, and neither will Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, funding for various do-nothing social programs will cease to exist.

It'll be a right lively time.


  1. When you consider that one Dem proposal is to give blacks 2 votes each for 'reparations', I'd settle for just using common sense... and despair of that.

  2. Ed: ebullient? You are not ebullient? I see. I'm tempted to ask the obvious, 'if not, why not'.

    CW: I hadn't heard that one, but I'm not surprised. Personally, I don't think it would change an outcome much, as it's already being done.
