Friday, May 21, 2021

The Cost of Peace

I enjoy reading Glen Filthie over at Filthie's Thunderbox (Where Great Intelligence Goes To Be Insulted).  Given the specified parameters, don't ask me what I'm doing there.

The other day (Wednesday, May 19th, 2021) Glen posted a rambling, disorganized, but somewhat cogent missive on government expenditures, government funded benefits, and howler monkeys during mating season.

I found his missive inspiring, and so posted a reply.

I was so impressed with my own efforts (I'd been drinking), that I copied my short essay, did some judicious editing, and posted it here.  Read it as it amuses you to do so, with the usual warning and disclaimer - void where prohibited, no deposit no return, the sleeves will ride up with wear, and thin skinned SJWs and affiliated moonbats should be offended to the point of mandatory psychiatric treatment.

A portion of the carefully oppressed minority adults in the United States are unhappy.  To express their unhappiness, the US has suffered a series of violent peaceful demonstrations, the forced removal of statues and defacing of historical landmarks.  Our founding fathers have been verbally defamed by people who have the I.Q. of a fence post, the enthusiasm of a six year old on Christmas morning, and the impulse control of an Islamic suicide bomber on a Jewish high holiday.

Our current government, led by not-a-president Biden, seeks to pacify these people with a combination of new laws, free money (literally), and a host of other inducements that I haven't bothered to run down and ridicule.  The question Glen asked, and it's a good question, is: "How much? How many?"  Meaning how many howler monkeys and how much will it cost.

Consider this for a moment.

In this world we have two countries that clearly don't like each other: Israel and Palestine.  Dispensing with a few thousand years of history for now, find a leader (or leaders) for each country and ask what it would take to satisfy the leader, the government, and the population in their country.  Once the screaming and rending of garments has ceased and the rhetoric is over, what you'll be left with is the real answer, "Complete annihilation of our enemies!"  Death by slow torture is too good for them, but we'll take it.

Okay, fine.  Pick a side (just toss a coin; heads you win, tails I lose) and annihilate one side.  Now what?

You'll see dancing in the streets, public displays of victory, and many erections erected monuments to the Divine Victory of the winner, whoever that may be.  There will be peace for a while, then the crap will start up again, only this time with someone else.  Left to escalate, you'll have the same situation you had before, but with different players.

The reason for this is that the players are bat-shit crazy, stupid and ignorant, goat fucking jungle bunnies who have learned that it's more fun to steal and burn the property of others rather than get a job and work all your life, then find out that your boss is a sleazy, scum-sucking moron with all the personality of a Badminton raquette and the morals of a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman! - Anonymous.

My thanks to Anonymous, whoever he is.  Now then.

The reason for this is known to anyone who passed Economics 201, and is referred to as the unsatisfaction of human wants.  In essence, we the survivors of Planet of the Apes, have never learned to be satisfied with what we have.  We never have enough.  Unsurprisingly, the more erudite, intelligent, and aged an individual is, the more likely it is that they'll look around themselves and not want for much of anything.  Certain things, activities, or accomplishments would be nice to have, but are far from necessary for satisfaction with their daily life.

The impoverished, ignorant, and stupid minorities are just bright enough to realize that a predatory world eats them for lunch every day, and at the same time they realize that they aren't smart enough to do anything about it.  So we the people are commanded to try, but again, reality gets in the way.  It isn't possible to take a child from the projects and in 12 years of public school and 4 years of college, turning him into a civic minded, think first shoot later, productive member of middle class society.  Money, by the way, doesn't do it.  Look at the criminal records of professional athletes and rap stars - does Biggy Smalls come to mind?

We now have a group in the USA who has realized just how they might capitalize on this.  The lowest, most violent social strata is being organized by the very same political party that helped keep them where they are today: The Democrats.

Now we have riots.  Again.  Because those who don't study history have no ideas about the 1960s, the Black Panthers, the White Panthers, and the Weathermen.  What did it take to satisfy these groups?  The real answer is as complex as the problem, but in short - they were never satisfied.  They never will be satisfied, ever.

So today we in the U.S. of A. are giving away free money (we'll just print more of it) and free you-name-it, and we run right into the unsatisfaction of human wants.  We haven't learned.

The future isn't looking too rosy from the nose-bleed seats, and if you're sitting ringside your world is looking mighty grim.  As of this writing, the city of Minneapolis, MN has an area closed off to traffic and guarded by armed peaceful protestors where police emergency vehicles have been forbidden to enter.  This is the MSP no-go zone, and its boundaries start at the corner of 37th Street and Elliot Avenue, and end at the corner of 39th Street and Columbus Avenue.

MSP No-Go Zone

I remember the race riots of the 1960s.  I got a chance to watch one of these riots up close and personal, and it was bad.

Although the current situation does indeed affect me personally, there's very little I'm able to do about it.  What I can do is write, and vote.  More importantly, I can be satisfied with my life - which I am, by the way.  I have a nice life.  I'm too comfortable, I have enough to eat, and if I'm unsatisfied with anything at all, it's something that I can fix.

Eventually this insanity will end, but by then I'll be dead, gone, and hopefully forgotten.  In other words, it's going to take a while.

Here's a hat tip to Glen Filthie for inspiration, along with a tip of the old fedora. 


  1. I don't know if you have read Kurt Schlichter's series starting with People's Republic, Indian Country and I'm on Crisis which describes Minneapolis (circa Civil War 2).
    But you would find them prophetic, scary.

  2. I'll find him and give him a read. I'll tell you the truth Ed, I'm old enough to have seen a few things and done a few things, but what I'm seeing and hearing these days makes me reach for a strong G&T.

    Yes, we had civil rights problems. We had all kinds of protests and problems, and it started with being 18; you could be drafted, but you couldn't vote. The blacks had that plus their own problems with segregation and racism.

    What we have now goes beyond anything I'd ever have imagined. A no-go zone? Pedophiles in the Catholic Church? And the Catholics aren't the only ones - Butler and his pals in various Christian churches turned out to be short eyes and pimps.

    The Federal debt is $26.70 trillion and rising. I can't even imagine that number.

    We don't have a real president. The last presidential election was stolen from the GOP by the Democrats, and this is just the one we know of. You really think that was the government's first rodeo?

    Anyway, thanks for reading.
