Friday, September 24, 2021

Guess Who's Back?

No lie.  I wrote about him in Neighbor Problems Part LXXII.IX , and after a short vacation in the Happy House, he's back.

I think Tyrone's mother smuggled him in during the late evening hours, when people were inside doing whatever the hell it is retired people do at 11:00 at night.  Drink and watch the tube, I'd guess.

Last Tuesday right after I discovered I have a pulse, I see Tyrone's garage door up, and there he is, sitting on a pair of empty milk crates, blowin' a joint and suckin' on a 40, all 400 pounds of him.  Oh for joy, for joy.  I think he's off his meds, as he woke me up this morning, shouting and M-F-ing someone.

The cycle begins again.  He'll pull some kind of major screw-up, the CPD will refuse to get involved, and eventually he'll be declared a danger to himself and/or others.  Then the Franklin County Sheriff will take him to the happy house where he'll spend three weeks getting evaluated, and eventually kicked to the curb.

My question, for anyone who knows the answer or has an idea where I might find it, is this: Who is it that compels a condominium association to follow its own rules?


  1. I read your last post, about flipping the place. I understand completely your thinking. The problem of, having the knowledge, the money, but no longer having the physical stamina and actual body strength to do it.
    When I was 19, starting out, I was making decent money, for a kid, working at my job of over 35 years, and pissing my money away. So I bought a house for 16,000$.
    I fixed it up, got married, lived in it, and later sold it, for the same money I bought it for. This was when the interest rates were at 21%, and houses were not selling.
    But I have fond memories of that house, and the work I did fixing it up. I would do the same thing again, if I were young and starting out, if I could find a very cheap house, especially in my hometown, which was at that time, a very tiny village, with no crime. Now it has become a meth addicts haven. Sad, it seems like drugs continue to grow in reverse proportion to the war on drugs by the government, while the chronic pain patients continue to suffer.

  2. Don't you realize, you need to be tolerant? JK It's a lot like this all over. I have a bloggy friend in BC who relates the latest adventures of arm-shooters outside the church across from her office.

  3. I am guessing that Tyrone is a vibrant contributor of cultural diversity in your neighbourhood?

    For me, searching for a home is the same as looking for a job - it it is vibrant and diverse, I don't want to be there.

  4. From PigPen51: Sad, it seems like drugs continue to grow in reverse proportion to the war on drugs by the government, while the chronic pain patients continue to suffer.

    Nailed it dead center. The government sponsored war on drugs has been a failure since its inception, and it continues to fail. Meanwhile, people who really need pain medication can't get any without an act of Congress. Now I'm really starting to wonder just why that is.

    CW: Post a link to your bloggy friend in BC that you mentioned, as I'd like to read her comments.

    Glen Filthie: Yeah, he's vibrant alright. Check today's post. I, like you, want absolutely nothing to do with the entire mess.
