Monday, October 4, 2021

It's Up! It's Down! It's Being Worked On...

 On a whim, I tried looking at FaceBook this morning and got 404'd.  I figured that they'd finally had enough of me and canceled my account, but then common sense asserted itself.  If Mark Zuckerberg hasn't permanently banned Wirecutter, Owner-Operator of Knuckledraggin' My Life Away, it's a sure bet that neither he nor his staff are going to bother with me.  So, a little investigation is needed - Ah-Ha!

It seems that FaceBook is not alone.  Instagram is toast, as is WhatsApp, Messenger, and likely others that we aren't seeing here because they are big and important enough.


The Verge

What bothers me about all this is that these are major social media sites, and I would think they'd be able to protect themselves.  One site, maybe it's an inside job.  More than one is an attack, or in this case, a successful attack.  I wonder what else is down that we haven't heard of?


  1. Or else their bit wranglers changed something (sever, software, site, etc.) and the new information hasn't propagated through the DNL "address book". There are a number of possible reasons and, apparently, you don't rate an explanation.

  2. Oddly enough, while the web browser based site was down, the phone app worked well, for myself and others.

  3. I am betting a white nationalist was involved and that it was an attack based on racism.


  4. Mike-SMO: I can just imagine the finger pointing and name calling contest that started up thirty seconds after the whole thing crashed. I've been out of the IS industry for a long time (thank heavens) but I have a few friends in the know and that's what they suggested. My thought is that most people wouldn't begin to understand what went wrong, and those that did wouldn't care.

    Ed: That is kind of odd, isn't it? I don't use the phone app - I have an outdated flip phone - but I guess that would indicate that the massive databases didn't go down.

    Glen: I'm putting my money next to yours.
