Monday, December 20, 2021


In the not terribly distant past I had a security team.  Proven in battle, patient in ambush, and congenial in most other respects.  Sadly, they've all retired and gone the way of the passenger pigeon, the dodo bird, and the woolly mammoth.

I have decided to set a trap line.  I have two traps, which is all I could find in my toolz-and-whatnot drawer.

Trap 1

Trap 2

You will note that I belong to the peanut butter bait school.  I hold no brief with trappers that resort to unreliable baits such as bacon grease or cheese.  I got into an argument with one puffball who insisted that a combination of bananas and crushed mothballs made the perfect bait, and as a result of a short series of vituperative remarks concerning his intelligence and probable heritage, I was informed by a nameless moderator that I was addressing a woman (biological female) and therefore should have shown a bit of restraint.

Somewhat suspicious, I demanded proof.  A mistake, as it turned out, as another user posted a photo of a female English Bulldog in the act of defecation, which in turn started a ruckus between the English Bulldog aficionados and the demented supporters of said female.  The dog people pointed out that the English Bull is affectionate, loyal, intelligent, and beautiful in its own way.  The mothball group declared the photo a personal insult and unspeakably cruel to this delicate little snowflake who only wanted to help.  By the time the dust settled, the dog aficionados were naming seconds and asking about time, place, and choice of weapons.  The mothball group was threatening to report everyone to the ACLU, the American Muslims for Palestine, the East Coast SJWs, the Feminazis (not an actual group), and a host of others.  

I deleted my account and advanced to the rear.

Back to the topic at hand, I'm betting on Trap 2, my choice being based on past experience.  It should be pointed out, however, that Trap 1 is a few inches away from the location of the rodent's attack on my foodstuffs, namely an over-ripe banana.  It is now December 20th, 2021 at 4:47 PM.  I'll run the trap line in the morning.

Meantime, place your bets: Trap 1 or Trap 2.


  1. Peanut butter, no doubt.
    And creamy, not crunchy.
    I'm not sure how to bet, but I've always placed mine near the base of the refrigerator, as they seem to enjoy the warmth of the compressor.

  2. I'll call #2. I have good luck with the glue traps, using a small piece of peanut butter cup in the center (they, I happen to like peanut butter cups too).

  3. I'll take #2. I had a buddy that always went for PB and MJ seeds, but my best luck has been with the aforementioned bread and grease.

  4. Peanut butter. Bacon works but it is a waste of bacon

    Any one who who would use mothballs on mouse traps probably puts pineapple on pizza;
    Just fundamentally and unacceptably wrong!

    ( running for the door)

  5. Ed: I, too, subscribe to the smooth peanut butter bait. The trap next to the refrigerator may be a good idea for you, but let me remind you that one of us drinks and might inadvertently step on the trap in his stocking feet while getting ice for another martini. The results of that accident would be somewhat spectacular.
    Note that it's funny when it happens to someone else.

    Neon Madman: So noted, and see today's post. I'm switching traps.

    CW: I've never tried the bread and grease bait, but I suppose it would work. My trouble is not with the bait.

    Gerry: Exactly! Exactly!

    Old NFO: Thanks, and you win.

    Thanks for the comments guys 'n gals.

    Trap 1 got the most attention, which is kind of a moot point since I have no dead rodents.

  6. Glue traps laid end to end (so they can't jump over them) behind the fridge catches the most at my house.
