Saturday, May 7, 2022

Wooden Ships and Iron Men

In 1928 we were still moving freight across the ocean by means of renewable energy, commonly know as a sailing vessel.  I forget just where I found this You-Hoo video, but it's the first video I've found that I believe is worth watching.

The unusual thing about this video is that the narrator is the photographer, and the narration is outstanding.  Views of a Barque in rough seas are taken from all different angles, and show the crew at work.  This is the way it was, no frills and no apologies.

These are truly iron men.


  1. Life was a lot shorter for many in those days too.

  2. Those are some damn hard men. Even in my prime, some (koff, koff) years ago, I was in nowhere near the physical shape those guys are in. I could never even gotten into that kind of shape.
