Thursday, June 30, 2022

Happy Fourth of July - Red, White, and Boom, Columbus, Ohio

Columbus is having an outdoor fireworks display and accompanying festival this year.  Red, White, and Boom has been down for the past two years due to the Wuhan Flu and governmental lies and overreaction, but now it's back with a vengeance.  Wha-hoo.

Columbus is expecting 500,000 people at this little soirée, which is being held on July 1st, a Friday.  The fun starts at 11:00 AM with Over 108 local and national vendors selling food, Pepsi products, adult beverages, glow sticks and more!

Emphasis mine.  What could possibly go wrong?

The mentally deficient mayor of crazy town has gone on record as stating that our police department has planned ahead for this and is ready to ensure that all crazy town residents have a safe, family-oriented, enjoyable time.

In all seriousness, Mayor of Columbus, Ohio, Andrew J. Ginther, isn't stupid.  He's a Democrat.  His belief system is something that I'll never understand, as he emphasizes regulatory laws combined with the ignoring of same.  He hasn't done a good job of leading the Columbus city council, almost all of whom  are in desperate need of a strong leader least they wander into a mine field.

While the Columbus Police Department (CPD) are all downtown trying to keep the jungle bunnies from killing each other, who's minding the shop?  The CPD gets an unknown number of calls about noise, destruction of private property, and neighborhood feuds all the time.  These people aren't going to declare a national holiday just because the cops are busy downtown.

Hilltop Neighborhood

Hilltop Crime Map 2022

All these icons are violent crime.  The red ones are assault.

Sullivant Stroll

The worst section of town is the Hilltop, and the worst part of that is the Sullivant Stroll.  Street whores, gang members, and drug deals are common as fast food.  It's a violent place, and all those folks aren't taking a holiday due to a cop shortage.

In my own neighborhood, which lies on machine gun alley, most neighbors keep their own council.  The party animals just to the north of me like to shoot off fireworks, so I'm certain I'll have my own, private fireworks show until three in the morning.

I'm skipping the 500,000 people crowded around each other on Friday night.  My thought is that if there are only three or fewer shootings, they'll be lucky.  I expect more, right along with police brutality and the howls of the moonbats.

And then we have the family fun caveat: the Rainbow Warriors.  The fags, the dykes, and the twisted will be out in force, trying to recruit new members.  Imagine a veteran with his family, and the twisted putting on a show.  What's his reaction going to be?

At the end of all this is the fact that Ohio CCW law now allows for concealed carry without a license.  Criminals do this anyway, but this law took effect in June.  Now the law abiding citizen is allowed to arm himself as he sees fit.  This prompted a plea from the CPD chief of police to all law abiding citizens to please leave their guns at home.

If I attended this alcohol fueled zoo, there is no way in the world I'd go without being armed.  As I said, I'm taking a pass on this one, but if I weren't - I'd be armed.

Heaven help us all.


  1. Just think of it this way, if a meteor happens to land in just the right spot...

  2. It’s Darwin in action, Jack. A lot a bad people are gonna die and that’s a good thing! 😆👍

  3. I think you two got it.

    My fourth of July was fairly peaceful. Dinner with friends, going out to the range, that kind of thing.
