Thursday, June 23, 2022

Mark Your Calendar!

The word on the street is that the United States Supreme Court will issue a new ruling on the (in)famous Roe v. Wade case on Monday, June 27, 2022.  The racket you hear in the background is not the peanut gallery; it's the exploding heads of SJWs and Moonbats everywhere.

It's enough to make any red-blooded Texan stomp his heels and spit into the wind.

For my part, I'm keeping my own counsel and staying inside.  The SJWs are going to be hot as a five dollar pistol on Saturday night over this one, and Antifa is looking for another payday.  My money's on the Right, because they have the guns.

All that said, so far this is only a rumor, and kind of thin at that.  The story got leaked by an anonymous source to the commercial news media (and all you guys believe everything you read in the paper - right?) No one will disclose the source, and the USSC isn't talking too much about this little faux pas to anyone.  No surprise there, but still and all, I'd expect a hot denial and a promise of retribution to the effect of we're going to fire everyone.  But it's dead quiet.

So we'll see what pops.

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