Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Argument Over Freedom

 I enjoy reading the Old NFO.  He's a good sort, and a reasonably honest soul.  He has a friend, Ian McMurtrie, on FuckedUpBook who falls into the same classification.  I'd cheerfully go out drinking with both or either of them.  So today, for no good reason, I'm picking on Ian - who doesn't deserve it.

What with the recent garbage being spewed by commercial media over just about everything except good moral standards, inspiring Ian to post this:

By Ian McMurtrie

All his points are true and valid, but if he isn't preaching to the choir, he's giving the freedom hating moonbats exactly what they want: verbiage.  The more any honest and upright man or woman has to say, the more their words can be deliberately misinterpreted by the moonbats and used against those concepts they hate the most; freedom, responsibility, and family.

Why write six paragraphs when everything can be summed up in two words?  Well, four words.

Hey liberals!  Fuck you!



  1. Exactly.

    They could go to any number of govt websites to get facts and stats that would prove them wrong. The logic behind the second amendment is intuitively obvious, there is no room whatsoever for ‘differences of opinion’ or differing views. If you favour gun control it’s because you have shit for brains, and aren’t worth listening too… much less obeyed.
    Kim right there with him. Fuck the liberals with a chainsaw.

  2. Fuck the liberals with a chainsaw.

    I'm stealing that line. Good one, Glen Filthie!
