Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Off to Siberia for Political Reeducation

 I'll tell you one thing about Russia - they don't fuck around over there.  Over here in the United States we have civil rights which includes the almighty eighth.  It's probably not good for us, but the founding fathers thought it had merit, and maybe back then it did.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Over in Russia they don't have the eighth.  There's a few other things they don't have along with it, like humane standards (by U.S. definitions) for housing criminal prisoners.  They don't put up with much crap over in Russia.  I got this one from the Daily Wire, but it's pretty much all over the place.

From the article:
WNBA star Brittney Griner has been transferred to a Russian penal colony after being sentenced to nine years in prison for allegedly possessing cannabis oil, according to the Associated Press.

Griner was moved from a detention center on November 4, according to her legal team, but they do not know where the penal colony she will be transferred to is located.
First off, there is no allegedly about it.  Griner got caught with hash oil and pleaded guilty, presumably throwing herself on the mercy of the court.  Courts in Russia have no mercy as we in the U.S. understand it.  Being a product of a broken home and a criminal environment doesn't cut much cake over there.  Hell, what other kind of home is there?  Being black doesn't matter much either.  If I had to guess, I'm thinking it's more like a novelty than anything else.  Makes you easier to find in the snow, and that's a good thing where Griner is headed.

The judge sentenced Griner to nine years at hard labor, a sentence that most of the people reading this dog would not be likely to survive.  Hell, I wouldn't survive it.  A few of those Canadians might, but those guys are so crazy they actually go camping in the winter time, when the temperature's 80 below and the wind carries razor blades in it that'll rip your lungs out and freeze your whatzis off when you go outside to take a whiz at two in the morning.

So - nine years.  Not-a-president Bidet told his people to call Vlad's people and cut a deal, then wouldn't go for it.  The deal also included Paul Whelan, some super-spook with citizenship in three countries including the U.S. and a heavy rep.  No dice, I guess, because Griner's on a train to who-knows-where to start working the salt mines.

Griner's a professional athlete, six foot nine inches and two hundred pounds.  She's a flaming dyke who openly advocates banning the Star Spangled Banner from being played at all sporting events, in spite of being on the US Olympic team and winning the gold.  I'd think she'd be a little more patriotic, but no.  She said she's doing this as a protest over the whole George Floyd and Breonna Taylor killings.  Whatever.  Hell, the best thing George Floyd ever did, or ever would do for his family was eat his entire stash then resist arrest.

Nine years.

I'm inclined to let her rot, but it isn't my decision.  One thing is for sure, Bidet isn't going to spring her.  I'm betting he can't remember what he's talking about for five minutes.  President Trump, now, he might have done it.

I can just imagine the conversation between Putin and Trump.
Yeah, Vlad?  Yeah, it's me.  Oh, fine, fine... couldn't be better!  You? <pause>  Say Vlad, you know that big jungle bunny you got over there?  Black rug muncher, busted her on hash oil.  Yeah, plays B-Ball.  Yeah, I know all B-Ball players are black... yeah, I know white men can't jump.  No, I can't jump either... look, Vlad, I gotta get her back.  What'll you take for her?  <pause>  Okay, but I want the spook too.  Sure, I can do that.  Are you thinking a couple months?  More?  <pause>  I don't really care.  Make her appreciate the U.S. a little more, maybe.  <pause>  Okay, thanks Vlad.  Best to what's her name and the kids.  Click
If only.

You know, I'm wondering if we could work out a deal with Russia.  A sort of one-way prisoner exchange.  We sentence 'em, and let 'em do their time over there at hard labor.  I'm betting none of 'em would come back with the attitude they had when they left.


  1. You know she'll come out of it- if she does- a different person. I pray that person will be a better one.

  2. Tell it the the Jan 6 protest folks.

    Almost 2 years and no trial...

  3. CW: That's for sure. Just seeing a place like the one she's going to spend a few years in makes an impression on people. She gets to live there for nine years, keeping herself occupied with the Russian version of hard labor.

    Mark: Exactly. And the trial - what trial? More like a ceremony, then off to the labor camp.

    Glen: I had the same question. I looked at the photo and my first thought was, 'What in hell is that?' Well... I wouldn't have gone to Russia in the first place.
