Some silly bitch sent me an email a week ago, which I finally got around to reading. The title of the email is How's users can safely support BLM online
Keep reading with the usual warning and disclaimer - void where prohibited, no deposit no return, the sleeves will ride up with wear, and thin skinned SJWs and affiliated moonbats should be offended to the point of mandatory psychiatric treatment. Please note that the author of this hound (that would be me) is an ancient cissexual, cisgender, right-wing conservative, whiskey drinking white male, who is enthusiastically suffering from male toxicity. He likes guns, down and dirty blues, and women of questionable moral repute. The only things in this world that he's afraid of are helpful government workers, mandatory vaccinations, and red-headed women - and the jury's still out on red-headed women.
Here's a copy of the first email, about a week old:
Shelly Robinson <>Apr 5, 2023, 4:51 AMHelloMy name is Shelly, I’m an advocate for Black Lives Matter, I came across your site through my numerous BLM searches and would like to thank you for supporting and writing about this cause.I would like to share with you an article on staying safe online and I think not many have really thought about it while supporting BLM. It is about protecting ourselves online as supporters of Black rights.You can find the article here: really think it would be a great article to share with your readers. I suggest sharing it on this page again for the support.Shelly
Just where and how this DFC decided I was a supporter of BLM is beyond me. I'm not a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement - it's a terrorist organization, and if anything, I'll be happy to contribute in a meaningful way to its demise.
I got a follow-up email yesterday:
Shelly Robinson <>Apr 10, 2023, 3:19 AMHiJust a quick follow-up to find out if you had a chance to look at the BLM online safety guide I sent you?Hope to hear from you soon.BestShelly
I'm not sure how to respond to this. A simple Fuck You! doesn't express my feelings adequately, but that's all I can think of at the moment. I guess it will have to do.
I'd say a simple "Fuck you!" would do nicely. Some people aren't worth additional verbage...
ReplyDeleteHow about, "I think your searchbot needs recalibrated, sweetie..."
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ReplyDeleteOver the years I have gotten a bit more paranoid. OK, make that a LOT more paranoid. About everything.
ReplyDeleteI would NOT reply nor click the link. I would block the sender as spam.
Neon's reply is the right way to handle this
DeleteThanks guys.
ReplyDeleteNeon's right about this one. No reply, no return, no final F-U Farewell.