Thursday, August 3, 2023

Homophobic or Not - You Be the Judge

 As all of my regular readers (such as they are - few in number, percipient in culture) know that I rarely, if ever, discriminate.  I hate everyone equally.  I despise most political groups, and I execrate all but a select few social groups.  I also subscribe to the practice of ignoring those habits and consuetudes which are not obvious, and which I would never practice myself as I find them abhorrent.

Keep reading as you like with the usual warning and disclaimer - adult oriented racist hate speech ahead,  triggers and micro-triggers are deliberate, this missive includes racist hate speech, void where prohibited, no deposit no return, the sleeves will ride up with wear, and thin skinned SJWs and affiliated moonbats will be offended to the point of mandatory psychiatric treatment.

I've been accused of being homophobic.  A homophobe, if you will.  I contend I'm no such thing.

Consider the definitions involved (from the Oxford English Dictionary):

Homo: The Latin word for man. a.a From its use in Latin works on logic, frequently employed, in quasi-logical or scholastic language, in the sense ‘human being’.

Phobic: Fear, horror, or aversion, esp. of a morbid character. In Psychol., an abnormal and irrational fear or dread which is caused by a particular object or circumstance.

Fear, no.  Aversion, somewhat.  Consider the following example involving a dipsomaniac and the ubiquitous non-denominational Christian church.

Let's say you're an elder in a Church as previously described.  You, personally, have no objection to the occasional snort.  A cocktail before dinner, maybe a brandy after dinner, ice cold beer in the middle of the dog days of summer - you're fine with all that.  The other elders are not.  They eschew alcohol with the same enthusiastic condemnation that a politician... okay, I can't think of anything.  Anyway, they rule that there is no drinking allowed by members of the First Self-Righteous Church.  Your solution is to keep quiet, because frankly, it's none of their business and you know for a fact that two other elders drink.

The church gets a new family one day.  Mom, Dad, and three kids (two girls and a boy; the boy is the youngest).  They all show up on time for services, and you do the old shake hands and make 'em right at home type thing.  You, being a perceptive sort, note that Mom has that look that tells you she's been into it with the old man, and she's still a bit warm under the collar.  Dad has blood shot eyes and a place on his face where he nicked himself shaving, and he looks uncomfortable, like he's making a major effort to be here.  The kids are on their angelic best.

Two weeks later you get the problem sussed out, along with, you suspect, the rest of the Elders.  Your wife tells you that the new wife confided to her that her old man is a booze hound and won't quit.  The wife thinks he can't quit, and you know the truth - he doesn't want to quit.  He likes to drink.  Now, you being the way you are, if this man and his family want to come to church services, fine.  They're perfectly welcome.  Of course you know that the rest of the Elders may not see it that way, but you have no problems with it.  Should this man come to you for some help, you'll help him.  In the meantime, he's on his own.

But here's the caveat.  He's welcome, his family is welcome, but what he is not welcome to do is show up for services half in the bag.  He's not welcome to powder off to the gents for a little nip from his hip flask between bible study and services.  Nor is he welcome to give the teenage boys a quick lecture on booze and broads, punctuated with off-color truck stop jokes about lot lizards and loafers.  Likely he knows this - shit, he's an adult, right?  So he knows.

Now in the Bible, drunkenness is a sin.  This man sins.  No two ways about it, sin is sin, and he sins.  But if you read the fine print in the Bible, there are only two unforgivable sins.  One is the hardening of the heart, or rejection of the Lord and His teachings.  We, all of us, have freedom of choice, so should we reject the Lord, the evil one rejoices.  The other sin is cursing the Holy Spirit.  Anything else, and one sin is every bit as bad as another in the eyes of the Lord, which is an important point.  All sins are equally bad save two.  So this man, he's committed neither of these unforgivable sins.  His sin is drunkenness and that's it.

So like I said, he comes to church services, he doesn't come loaded, doesn't drink before or during services, and my question is this: Is he welcome to attend services in your church?

Hold that answer.

Now let's assume this same guy isn't a booze hound.  Let's say he's a homosexual.  He's a closet case, complete with wife and family.  Is he still welcome?

Because what he doesn't do is show up for services with his man-wife in drag, hug and kiss each other between hymns and in front of everyone, and promote homosexuality as normal to teenagers and children.  He does none of those things, but he's gay.

Now what?

In the church I used to attend, the first born son of one Elder is, I suspect, a bit light in the loafers.  No one mentions it, no one talks about it, but there is the 500 pound gorilla in the middle of that living room.  Other than that, having a closet case in the congregation would set off a major argument and division amongst the Elders, and I strongly suspect the congregation.  I'm not saying the church would fold, but there would be heated arguments and harsh words.  Acceptance is a hard thing, and a real church can get very messy at times.

What Christians are experiencing today is a long way from the baby boom generation.  There's a perverse sub-culture that screams and dances to be noticed, and that demands all those people who are not of that group to approve of their lifestyle.  This includes other gays, many of whom look at this pertinacity and quietly leave the scene, hoping that this fad will vanish.  But this isn't the worst of it.

The worst part about this is that this subculture, for whatever reason, is being supported by a large portion of the wealthiest one percent of our nation.  The LGB-etcetera wouldn't get any notice at all, and in fact wouldn't exist today if not for the support of the fabulously wealthy.  Commercial media is owned by a select group of people and does what they're told.  Thanks to the Internet, we do have exceptions, but TV, radio, and liberal pseudo news sites are where the support comes from.  Another major source of support comes from public education and ruinously expensive universities that haven't provided anything close to a real education in thirty years.

So what do we do?  Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.  Find a church you can live with, and join up.  Should the fertilizer hit the turbine blades in my lifetime, I'd like to belong to a group of believers who actually read the Bible, and who believe The Word is more important than the feelings of the congregation.

Meantime, this new guy and his family are, perhaps, a bit lost.  If the nondenominational Christian church rejects them because of one man's sin, the evil one wins.  If they're accepted, the evil one curses because now he's skated onto thin ice.  Should the man and his wife accept the Lord as their Savior, we win one.  We've got a new family of allies.

As for my original question, what I hate, what I find absolutely repellent, is the gay pride parade, the ostentatious drag queens, and the sexual perversions that are being promoted as normal.  The demand for approval is what I absolutely hate.

Am I homophobic?


  1. For some reason that I don't really get I have always thought of homophobic people as people act like being homosexual is a disease they can catch, which of course it isn't. I don't care if some is homosexual but don't flaunt it in front of me, I don't wish to see such stuff. I care more what type of person someone is are they kind and compassionate and treat me well and don't flaunt being gay then all is good. I have a grandson who says he is gay and I not only love him but I like what type of person he is

  2. Hard to top what Jo-Anne already put in, but here's my addition. I think the "Gay Movement" as you have describe it LIKES the term "phobia" because it means that they are feared. If we attached the Greek word for "revulsion" to "Homo", it wouldn't make them seem quite so persecuted and noble. As for the Church, our job is to glorify God and bring people to Him. And sometimes, I think Jesus needs to make a semi-annual "He who is without sin cast the first stone" visit.

  3. What you choose is up to you. For me, as long as you don't shove it in my face (whatever it is), and keep it private, I don't care. You push it in my face, you WILL generate a reaction you may not like. Just sayin...

  4. Nope, you're not homophobic. They have perverted the word 'phobia' in order to bludgeon anyone who disagrees with them.

  5. Hrrrrmmmm... are there any cans of worms you DIDN'T open, Jack? :)

    "The worst part about this is that this subculture, for whatever reason, is being supported by a large portion of the wealthiest one percent of our nation...."

    Jews - for the most part. I won't say anymore and I'll leave it at that. Been down this road with Peter Grant and Eaton Rapids Joe... most people can't handle the truth of it. At some point they'll get mugged by the truth like I did. God only knows what happens after that. We are men of restraint... but most people aren't, and there is a reckoning coming of biblical proportions inbound.

    I have a daughter that is gay. When you let such people tell you what to tolerate, I can tell you that you from personal experience are opening the door for the devil and inviting him in. I will leave that there too, you do you. When I last looked in on her, she and her love partner were celebrating a close friend who'd cut off her tits and was going topless like a man. I shrugged - I have no tears left to shed for my daughter.

    Even our little chapel out in the country has been set upon several times by queers and progressives. So far whenever they show up we politely shun them and don't engage with them. The zealots soon lose interest and look for easier game elsewhere - preferably people they can provoke and start a fight with. I have one rule for queers, druggies, boozers... stay out of my airspace. For now, I will stay out of yours. I am watching them on the pedo/grooming issue though, and all I'll say is my trigger finger is getting awfully itchy.

    I will hate who I want, for whatever reason I want, and say what I want. In my experience... jews, queers, and Marxist scream loudest when you are telling the truth.
