Non-Standard Disclaimer: For those of you who voted for, or (Heaven help us all) actually supported Feinstein, pack up your preferred pronouns and go read I'm a Sensitive Zealot. Believe me, we'll all be happier.
Okay, you've been warned...
Non-Standard Disclaimer: For those of you who voted for, or (Heaven help us all) actually supported Feinstein, pack up your preferred pronouns and go read I'm a Sensitive Zealot. Believe me, we'll all be happier.
Okay, you've been warned...
Unlike most of my contributions to the canon of western literature, this post will do nothing more that irritate, incense, and annoy the anti-freedom idiots who truly believe that owning an AR-15 is akin to burning not-a-president Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. in effigy while wearing a MAGA hat, singing The Star Spangled Banner, and donating to the President Donald Trump Reelection Fund.
That's a tall order, but I'm betting I could pull it off.
Somehow, and I genuinely do not know how, about 75 legitimate comments got moved into the spam folder. Some of these comments go back to the ice age, when I first started this hound.
If you were kind enough to post a comment and couldn't see it later on, it's because it got marked as spam. I went through the entire list and marked all the spam as legit, so now the comments can be seen. The only comment I deleted was posted by anonymous and notified the men on this dog as pigs. I think this contributor is a deranged female who used to call herself Baked Brie - she posted a similar comment on my post about a massage parlor that closed up.
My apologies for the error. I corrected it, and I'll keep a closer eye on things.
Since everyone knows what happened on September 11th, 2001, I'm not going to write a repetition. What follows is a brief personal opinion of the events that should have followed the attack.
Content Warning: If you're a thin skinned social justice warrior, LGBT - et al. member, follower, or supporter, or you're sensitive to racial slurs and easily insulted - keep reading. You'll die of an apoplexy and the world will be a better place - to an infinitely small degree, maybe, but still a better place.
Awright, cut out the noise, sit up and stop mumbling. That includes you, Glen Filthie - get your mind outta the gutter and pay attention.
Number One: Find all the anti-freedom fascist commie bastards and give 'em the bum's rush. Out the back, Glen! The back! That includes everyone that ain't regular, and by that I mean regular.
The back door! Ah... the boy's a slow learner, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm. The rest of you folks make yourselves comfortable, because I have an announcement to make.