Friday, September 29, 2023

Ding Dong!

 Non-Standard Disclaimer: For those of you who voted for, or (Heaven help us all) actually supported Feinstein, pack up your preferred pronouns and go read I'm a Sensitive Zealot.  Believe me, we'll all be happier.

Okay, you've been warned...

Ding Dong The Bitch is Dead
Bitch Old Bitch
The Wicked Bitch!
Ding Dong the Wicked Bitch is Dead!

From Fox News:

Dianne Feinstein dead: Longtime California senator was 90

Now everyone holding an office can say something nice about ex-senator Dianne Feinstein (::spit::).  One thing we can all be assured of is that every single one of these baby-kissers is lying like a rug.  Some more than others, maybe, but all of them are lying.  How can I tell?  Well, for one thing, their lips are moving.  For another, that's how the game is played here in the U.S. and they all know it.

The thing I remember Feinstein for is her anti-freedom stance, which was unshakable.  She summed it up back in 1995:

From Armed Polite Society:

Remember the quote fragment? Actually, the full quotation is:

"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it." Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), 1994.

It didn't pass in 1994, but that doesn't mean the anti-freedom moonbats won't stop trying.

So today the evil one has another henchman, and I'm declaring a personal holiday - One Step day.  Today, we are one step closer to having the free society that those of us who can thing for ourselves actually want.

Maybe I'll hoist one for Feinstein the Fascist during happy hour tonight.  If I do, I sure won't spill any.


  1. If you can't say anything nice... Just seems a shame to me that Dems keep rolling old folks like her and Joe out there past the point of coherence. I remember we had a bitter fight in Indiana when it was time for us to have Sen. Lugar step aside 'gracefully', but at least we did it.

  2. Jo-Anne: Consider yourself very fortunate indeed.

    Glen: We can all hope, can't we?

    CW: Yeah, I know. I almost felt guilty for a few seconds, but the feeling passed as soon as I remembered what herself wanted to accomplish.

    Your point about shelf life is a good one. I think that term limits would actually suffice, but good luck getting that passed anytime soon.

    Thanks for reading!
