Friday, August 16, 2024

Elaina Rose Jennings, Daniel John Giacchina, Torture and the Death Penalty

I'm often against the death penalty.  As screwed up and corrupt as our justice system is in the United States, I don't trust any of them to get it right the first time. There are exceptions, and here I wordlessly point to the Innocence Project, which wouldn't exist if the justice system was anything close to perfect.  Then I read about a case like this one and start to ponder the good old lynch mob.

I got this from Knuckledraggin' My Life Away, who found it on Law and Crime.  Here are links to the articles - the comments are worth reading:

What the fuck??? WHAT THE FUCK???!!!

Mom and boyfriend ‘laughed’ at photos of 6-year-old being ‘bound to the wall using a staple gun’ before fatal beating

In summary, Elaina Rose Jennings, 25, and her boyfriend Daniel John Giacchina, 32, subjected their 6-year-old son, Giovanni “Chulo” Jennings, to severe physical abuse and confinement, ultimately leading to Chulo's death. The couple has been charged with:

  • First-degree murder
  • Child abuse
  • Lying to a police officer
  • Abuse and Confinement

Chulo was confined to a small pen in the bedroom where he was beaten regularly and subjected to inhumane treatment. The abuse included:

  • Being stapled to the wall using a staple gun
  • Being shot with a BB gun
  • Being forced to sleep on a wooden slat in the pen
  • Having his hands and feet bound

I cannot imagine what the police went through when they discovered this abattoir. This is a little slice of hell, or I've never heard of it before.

I'd give Jennings and Giacchina three days to make whatever preparations they wanted,  including a conjugal visit, last rites, and prayers. I'd execute both of them by firing squad - and I'm sure I'd have no shortage of volunteers who would be willing to supply their own equipment and ammunition.

Beyond that, I'd also like to investigate the parents and any close friends of these two monsters, because this is (in part) learned behavior.  No one wakes up one morning and decides to become a violent psychopath, torturing and killing children.  My first question is, why didn't anyone see anything?  How can your neighbors not suspect something is wrong? And finally, what makes you believe there aren't more people like this in the United States?

Depending on your religious beliefs, I submit that this is the work of the evil one.  Our legal system being the way it is, these two should get the death penalty, which Michigan outlawed in 1846, so they'll ultimately get life in prison without possibility of parole. However, this might be the crime to reinstate the death penalty.  If it isn't, I'd like to know what is.

Thanks for reading.


  1. I agree with you completely. I don't support the death penalty only because I don't trust our corrupt legal system to convict the right person rather than just the convenient one.

    If I'm absolutely confident that they got the right criminal, I say hang 'em high.

    In this case, assuming the charges are true and they got the right guilty parties, the death penalty should absolutely apply, but I don't agree with your firing squad sentence. That's way too quick and painless. I can think of any number of suitable execution styles. The method used on William Wallace comes to mind.

  2. Absolutely agree. No further needed.

  3. Sailorcurt: Do you see me disagreeing with you?

    About the only thing I can say is that I, or we, are not like them. We believe in mercy, and the most merciful ending for this whole business is a firing squad. The process requires no specialized equipment, has never failed, and is used by the armed forces - after a fashion.

    At the same time if someone, or some group, wanted to, say, slowly boil them in oil - I couldn't protest too much.

    CW: Thanks for stopping in.

  4. I also agree, some people just shouldn't be alive

  5. Served on a murder and penalty trial. Man killed, with 4 other, the 2 children at play in the yard and then the 2 parents. Left the 4 to rape the older daughter. When done with his killings he then raped, poured gasoline on her and set her on fire. Found guilty but had 1 susie la, la, lady who was sure he could write a book that would enlighten people. Me, I voted for the death penalty. He did have the most horrendous family life almost like the child who died. NO one, including an aunt, teacher, uncle, a doctor and his father did Anything to stop the mother. I would have had her put to death also. She was as evil as he was. But what would you do to the aunt and uncle? They also knew and did nothing.
    He committed suicide 2 years into solitary confinement.
