Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Midnight Shooter

Well, he's back.  I wrote about him here , posted about him on Craig's List (the post got flagged by some pencil neck geek and removed).  So now he's back.

On Monday, August 27th, 2018 at or around 11:55 PM, some deranged pinhead torched off three shots about 25 yards or so from my house.  I called the Columbus PD and reported it as shots fired, and the dispatcher assured me that a unit would be sent to the area to investigate.  Then she wanted to know if I'd like to speak with the police in person.


I was just falling off to sleep when (I suspect) Tyrone torched off a single, followed by a double tap.  This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last.


  1. I haven't the faintest idea. I think it's entirely possible that he just wants to torch a few off. It's later, he's full of beer, so he torches off a few into the side of a garage or a dumpster or something.

  2. Mad Jack:
    Every time that happens, I'd send the 5-0 RIGHT to HIS house...

    I do that with the loud music "enthusiasts" who carry on for hours...send the police to a SPECIFIC HOUSE each time, and the music stops (weird huh?

    If his antics are addressed, he might well send a stray into someplace IMPORTANT (like a neighbor's house or worse).

    Stay safe.

  3. Tyrone, huh, sounds kind of like you might have some sterotypical thoughts there, dude. I'd say there is a 88% probability you right. As an aside, since Tyrone Power, has anyone with a light complexion been named Tyrone? Asking for a friend.....

  4. Or, it could have been a Metsican. Or a muslim. I have seen videos of muslimes sending hundreds of rounds skyward, often near vertically, without regard for the consequences of gravity. In PHX, where I winter, common sense dictates that prudent people STAY IN THE HOUSE at and near midnite for the same reason.

  5. Yes, I have some stereotypical thoughts about the shooter's nationality. While it's true that the Midnight Shooter might well be White, or of Inuit heritage, that isn't the way to bet.

    I don't object to his shooting. I object to his shooting at 2:00 AM.
