Monday, March 16, 2020

Dinner at Big Mike's

Last night NoFacebookEver Big Mike invited me over for dinner at his house.  I had an Old Fashioned infused with cinnamon smoke, followed by a gin sour with Beefeater gin, and white wine with dinner.  After dinner we had Ethiopian coffee - which you can't get anymore - and Drambuie straight up in a brandy snifter.

The dinner was magnificent.

Mike made shrimp étouffée, and I'm here to tell you that I had the absolute best étouffée available at any price in Columbus, Ohio.  A truly magnificent meal, and when I finally left for home, the leftover étouffée went with me.  Probably enough for a light lunch.

My thanks to Big Mike for his hospitality.

Today I went to my band new Kroger super store in the hope of picking up a very few items.  I pulled out at 10:00 AM and was back home by 11:00 AM, having found everything I was looking for - except paper towels.  I could use a roll of paper towels, but I can wait.

The most interesting part of this excursion was overhearing the cashier at the liquor store (inside Kroger's - it's Ohio law, and it's every bit as stupid as the elected officials who wrote it and the governor who signed it) say that Kroger's store manager closed the store down at 6:00 PM yesterday (Sunday, 3/15/2020) due to over-crowding.  Go figure.

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