Thursday, March 12, 2020

Emergency! Emergency!

We got us a genuine nine-one-one mayday emergency here.  I just got word from a reliable source that there is right now, this very minute, a certified case of COVID-19 in Togo!

That's Togo, Africa.

Truly the world is coming to an end.

A few people, mainly medical scientists and statisticians, have a fairly good grasp of just how serious the Hong Kong Blues really is - but they're not talking.

Brian Joondeph has done his research and put together the pertinent facts in an article that bears reading.  He also cites his sources, all of which are as reliable as we can expect.

If you really want to know what's going on in the U.S. of A. regarding COVID-19, follow the link.

Coronavirus Codswallop -- By the Numbers by Brian C. Joondeph.

Two links from the article that are valuable:

CDC Leading Causes of Death

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard