Friday, June 19, 2020

Fallout News and Predictions

I like to read UNZ every so often, mainly because they'll publish factual news you can't find anywhere else, and Fred Reed is the outstanding Op-Ed star.

I like Fred.

Fred didn't write the article I'm going to refer to below the fold, but he'll likely have something to say about it.

I'm not going to bother with the standard content warning - why bother?  I think I scared all the moonbats away years ago.

I think that Big Mike put me on to this article, which is very definitely a worthy read.  In particular, John-Paul points out that he'll never be the first to report on anything, because real journalism takes time.  The facts must be checked and validated, and immediate ramifications should be discussed and followed up on.  So here you go:

Or Did George Floyd Die of a Drug Overdose? by John-Paul Leonard on June 16, 2020

From the article:

We need to understand the facts surrounding the death of George Floyd.
Many key facts are being ignored:

Floyd’s blood tests showed a concentration of Fentanyl of about three times the fatal dose.
Fentanyl is a dangerous opioid 50 times more potent than heroin. It has rapidly become the most common cause of death among drug addicts.
The knee hold used by the police is not a choke hold, it does not impede breathing. It is a body restraint and is not known to have ever caused fatal injury.

This fentanyl concentration, including its norfentanyl metabolite at its molecular weight, was 20.6 ng/mL That is over three times the lethal overdose, following earlier reports where the highest dose survived was 4.6 ng/mL

If ever there was a leap before a look, we are in it now. Masses of people have become extremists, based on conclusions that are as false as they are hasty.
Or, if there is an Olympic event for jumping to conclusions, don't even bother going into training because the commercial media will beat you like a government mule.

Here's the tox screen the government did on that now-famous civil rights martyr, George Floyd.

Tox Screen Results
The level of Fentanyl in Floyd's blood is fatal all by itself.  In addition to that, Floyd also had a fatal level of Morphine in his blood.  Not just sometimes fatal.  Fatal.  As in six shots from a .44 to the head fatal.  The dumbass had so much Fentanyl in his system that there was no antidote.  No way, not ever.  This boy greased the skids and was headed to hell long before the police laid eyes or hands on him.

You can read John's article and get a lot more information about this case, and I recommend you do so, but my immediate thought process goes something like this:

The State and the Democratic Party can't afford to back off this one and admit they fucked this up so bad that the devil himself is having a laugh.

At the same time, the commercial news media will double down (SJWs always lie; SJWs always double down).  Remember that the media has no skin in the game, while the State will get flayed alive if this ever goes to trial.

Because of spineless political leaders, commercial media, and the state employed sycophants lining up to do whatever they're told, four men and their families have had their lives ruined.  Although I have no first hand knowledge, I'm betting that all four are getting death threats right now, and they'll get more as various hate groups (BLM, NAACP, NBP, etc.) learn how to read and write.

So now what.  Well...

The four will go to criminal court providing the state can find a persecutor that is willing to fall on his sword in the holy name of progressive righteousness.  If the four go for a judicial trial, which would be the way to do this, it'll all be over in a three day trial - less if the judge throws the whole business out, which he should.  If not, it'll be not guilty all the way around. Then the fun starts.

Of course, if the four opt for a jury trial, their lawyer either knows something I don't know about juries - a group of 12 men, women, and things, none of whom are smart enough to get out of jury duty.  Now think: Does anyone reading this dog really want to try explaining the results of a toxicology report to a group of porch monkeys, Karens, and red necks, each and every one of whom has the IQ of a fence post and the razor sharp perception of a broken rat trap?  No?  And just why the fuck not?

Okay, I'm being facetious.

The news is going to get released, and the riots will start.  I point wordlessly to the OJ Simpson trial as a prime example of what happens when - ah, maybe not.  Well, the shit's gonna hit the fan for sure, which is exactly what the Democrats want.  Because, you see, President Trump refused to take the bait in MSP.

The Minneapolis / St. Paul riots and subsequent take over of a small part of a city by traitorous domestic terrorists should have been dealt with using troops with live ammunition.  Just look at Detroit in the 1960s.  Had Trump ordered troops of any kind into the city with combat gear and orders to use it, the Dems would have had a field day.  Tienanmen Trump would have been front page material all over the place, and the next presidential election would have come into question.  But that's not what happened.  Instead, Trump told the moonbats running the state and the city into the ground that it was their problem and they should deal with it.

And he's right, and they haven't.  So another crises is needed.

Enter George Floyd, stage left.

Brace yourselves for more riots, worse than before, much worse than the 1960s.

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