Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Riots and Fallout

The recent racial heat is still going strong, and we have yet to build a US Embassy or meet with the official ambassador from the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) area (country?), AKA Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, AKA Free Capitol Hill area.  But no matter, as somehow or another the world keeps spinning.

Rant follows.  Usual disclaimers about thin skinned moonbats and trigger happy SJWs apply.

I got this article courtesy of Big Mike, the Washington Examiner and the author Michael Barone. Used without permission - my apologies to the author and the publisher.

As in the 1960s, Violent Rioting Hurts the Most Disadvantaged by Michael Barone, Senior Political Analyst on June 3, 2020

From the article:

In the summer of 1967, I [Michael Barone] was an intern in the office of the mayor of Detroit when the city suffered a six-day riot in which 43 people died. I was at the mayor’s side in the so-called command center as radio calls came soon after nightfall. Police were abandoning 1 square mile after another.  The riot finally ended after some 12,000 federal and federalized national guard troops restored order.  [What he fails to mention is that the National Guard were aided by armed civilians who were guarding their own stores and homes - MJ].
What he points out is obvious.  Detroit never recovered from the 1960s riots; some of those buildings are still abandoned today.  Small businesses were destroyed and never recovered.  People lost their homes and left - not planning to return anytime soon.  The people organizing this insurrection know this, and they continue to support rioting and some of the most outrageous ideas I've ever heard in my life - and I'm old.

While it's true that some cops abuse their authority, and some cops are racially prejudice, these are in the minority.  Common sense should tell everyone this, but it seems that common sense, otherwise known as simple reasoning, is in very short supply these days.  For instance, if all police behaved the way that the BLM, NBP, and similar hate groups say they do, the BLM, NBP, and similar groups wouldn't be around to protest anything.  Their leaders would have been quietly arrested via SWAT raids in the early morning hours, then added to the pollution of the nearest river - after interrogation, of course.  If you're black or anything but Aryan White, you'd have a series of traffic violations longer than your arm due to driving while black.

That's not to say that DWB incidents don't happen, because they do.  Just not as often as most people think.

Then we have a particularly poignant comment from the D.C. Idiot, Joe Biden (from the article):

“The moment has come for our nation to deal with systemic racism,” Joe Biden tweeted. Doing so, he might argue, is the only way to get things under control. But one might ask why that moment didn’t come earlier — if not in the 36 years he served in the Senate, then in the eight years he served as an active and involved vice president in the administration of President Barack Obama.
This complete zero served as the Ayatollah Obongo's VP, giving him eight long years to do something about police relations with civilians of all races, ages, and sexual persuasions.  I think that covers everyone except politicians, right?  He did nothing.  In his defense, that's why Obongo made him VP.  Biden has all the good qualities of a VP.  He has a pulse, he sucks and blows... air, and he is incapable of original thought or deductive logic.

What more can a Democratic President want?

I'm not going to get into that last one.  My stomach is a bit queasy at the thought of a Democratic President and what he might want.

In truth I think this latest rebellion is bait, and President Trump is refusing to take it.  Our President knows who is behind all this, and what their ultimate goal is.  His obvious restraint, both in action and speech, is admirable.  I think he's waiting for the next election to pass before declaring something like open season.  So I guess we're living in interesting times, and we'll have to wait and see what happens next.


  1. I share your queasiness. Especially after the survey of the 'minor candidates' that will post tomorrow. The thing that makes me sad is so many- some of them friends- think that this is the way to be heard. I try to tell them, "No, this is how you make new racists".

  2. Good questions and what comes next isn't going to be good... NOT at all!

  3. What more can a Democratic President want?
    Interns and cigars.

  4. I don’t think that more political correctness and social justice is gonna fix this.

    Call it a hunch...

  5. CW: Exactly. Every so often I feel like joining the KKK - but that is not the solution. I suppose.

    Old NFO: We've still got months of summer ahead of us, and if you're going to mount a protest and subsequent riot, summer is the time. The trouble is, people old enough to remember are not being listened to.

    Ed: Ha!Ha!Ha! Yeah...

    Glen: You're very intuitive. Something else, not necessarily something new, will have to be tried.

    Thanks to all of you, and to everyone who reads.
