Thursday, February 11, 2021

Hey Look! Hatemail!

Either this DFC read something of mine someplace (I'm guessing here), or one of my half-dozen or so loyal readers is trying to make me feel better.

Keep reading with the usual warning and caveat.


from: donna hope
date: Feb 8, 2021, 6:13 AM
subject: politics

You talk shit on Biden and Harris as being incompetent but worship the cult leader named trump, the dumbest illiterate man ever to hold public office. This tells me you must be a real asswipe. Go shoot your gun, then take a piss with your tiny dick. LOL.


Personal to Donna Hope from An Admirer:

Shove a parking meter up your feculent snatch and get your ugly face back to the tenderloin where you belong.


Sane, Erudite, White Male 

A cursory search turned up a seller on eBay, which doesn't mean much.

About the only other hate mail I've ever received was some idiot calling herself Baked Brie.  She read my review about the passing of a Toledo landmark, the old Yoko spa, and called us pigs.  Right...


  1. Oh, if you want hate mail, tilt swords with "John Rambo" and his buddy (another account, same guy), the founder of the "Criminally He-Man Women Haters Club" a misogynist blogger who used to comment on ladies blogs preaching his bile. He was fun to turn in logic circles. Last I heard he was in Singapore fighting extradition to Australia.

  2. Snerk... amatures at best. But better than the dick ads or incontinence ads in comments. :-)

  3. There's no such thing as bad publicity?

  4. I think I heard of baked Brie tormenting on of the other bloggers I used to frequent... can’t remember which one though. 😆👍

  5. CW: Probably in his parents' basement, and I don't want to think about anything more concerning this idiot.

    Old NFO: Rank amateur.

    Ed: I've thought that for a long time now.

    Glen: It wouldn't surprise me much. Some of the stuff she'd see on Knuckle Draggin' would cause her eyes to cross.

    I was beginning to feel a bit neglected, as I never get hate mail.
