Thursday, February 25, 2021


Our anniversary was yesterday, Jack.

Who knew?  Well, I knew, but I forgot.  Even though I happened to see the date the other day and told myself I'd write something worth reading.

Ideas escape me, but if you want some disjointed rambling and rants, keep on reading.  Otherwise, powder off.

On August 28, 2009, in quaint, historical, Sylvania, Ohio, a local horticulturist living in an upscale neighborhood (Lincoln Woods, if it matters) suffered an armed robbery at around 3:00 AM EST.  Being no slouch, the homeowner hauled out his gat and put some lead in the air.  When the screaming stopped, the homeowner found one DRT and three in the wind.  I wrote about the whole thing here, and actually got some hate mail over it.  Well, what about this - someone's actually reading!

Feeling somewhat encouraged, I continued writing.

That was in 2010.  It's now 2021, proving that time flies when you're having fun.

Lately I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the state of the United States, and of the world in general.  We had a man who was a great President, and who was pilloried by public media every chance they got.  News outlets that the general public considered reliable reported knowingly false news, and colored their stories so as to discredit the President.  In the end, our last Presidential election might as well have been held in any banana republic.  Where's the Tonton Macoutes when you need 'em?

I've lived through a fairly long list of Presidents, some of whom I remember.  Check the list below.

1949-1953 Harry S. Truman (D): That goddamn' Truman, as my father used to say.

1953-1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower (R): With old Tricky Dick as Vice.

1961-1963 John F. Kennedy (D): Cuban missile crises, Bay of Pigs, and playing hide the salami with Marilyn.  I liked him, my folks liked, but someone sure as hell didn't.  The truth of this assassination will never be known in my lifetime, but give it a century or so and the truth might be revealed.

1963-1965 Lyndon B. Johnson (D): Hey Hey L-B-J!

1965-1969 Lyndon B. Johnson (D): How many kids did you kill today! 'Nam and all, you see.

1969-1973 Richard M. Nixon (R): Old Tricky Dick and his kick, Spiro Tee!

1973-1974 Richard M. Nixon (R): Spiro Tee gets busted on tax evasion, and Tricky Dick resigns before he can be impeached for his part in a little misunderstanding referred to as the Watergate scandal.

1974-1977 Gerald R. Ford (R): He can't ski and he's clumsy, but so what? The press smeared him on that score - it's all they could find. Well, he did give old Tricky Dick a pardon.

1977-1981 Jimmy Carter (D): The Peanut Farmer. Mondale as VP was a joke.  Carter was bright, but he didn't have what it takes.  His brother Billy was so dumb he couldn't wad a shotgun (quote from a man who knew him personally for many years).

1981-1989 Ronald Reagan (R): The Cowboy.  People liked him.  Everyone overlooked the Iran/Contra scandal. He had to deal with stagflation, and it didn't turn out well. He touted himself as pro-2A, but he wasn't.

1989-1993 George Bush (R): King George the First. He was smart, well educated, and could land a Lockheed S-3 Viking on an aircraft carrier.  He was great at defending the United States, but did poorly at managing the economy.

1993-2001 Bill Clinton (D): Old Slick Willie. Probably the brightest President we'll have in my lifetime, but I didn't agree with everything he did or supported. The man was a great President, but morally speaking he was a real pig.

2001-2009 George W. Bush (R): King George the Second, with Richard Cheney as Vice. The King is incompetent, so the show goes to Cheney, who managed to get half in the bag during a quail hunt and shoot Harry Whittington with his 28-gauge Perazzi shotgun.  One theory is that Cheney had a senior moment and mistook Whittington for Scooter Libby (Irving Lewis Libby, esq.) and let him have it.

2009-2017 Barack Obama (D): The Ayatollah Obongo, with old Smokey Joe Biden as Vice. Biden was the perfect VP - he did nothing but eat and sleep. The Ayatollah will likely go down in history as one of the worst Presidents the U.S. endured.

2017-2021 Donald J. Trump (R): The moonbats were certain that Hitlery Clinton would win. She didn't, and as a result the U.S. got the best President possible. The economy went up like a skyrocket, the U.S. got out of the Free Trade Agreement, and life was good. Then the pandemic arrived.

2021- Joseph R. Biden (D): Very possibly a fraudulent election. Only time and a major change in leadership will tell.

Now we the people have more conspiracy theories than ever before, and a few of these sound just a bit too likely and reasonable to be ignored.  My thought is that the popular pandemic virus, SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), AKA Wuhan Flue, Chinkypox, whatever, was deliberately released so as to scuttle the current presidential administration sounds a bit too real.  The thought that the Democratic Party would commit treason and crimes against humanity to win the next Presidential election seems a bit improbable - until you take a hard look at commercial media and the Democrats.  Sure, the pox came from Wuhan, China, which is where China's top top top secret biocontainment laboratory is located.  I could bribe security in that lab with what I've got in my pocket right now - but the Ds?  Oh hell yes.

So, you know, it's for a good cause.  China doesn't really care if it loses 100,000 coolies or so, as it has plenty more.  And China, you'll remember, is not a Republic or a Democracy, with civil rights like we used to have.  China is a dictatorship, and there are advantages to that - say whatever you like.  Case in point, has anyone seen any peaceful BLM demonstrations in China recently?  How about Tiananmen Square and automatic weapons?

I'm old enough to have lived in the shadow of WWII and the Cold War.  That included the Cuban missile crises, when JFK caused Nikita Khrushchev to blink.  Later on we found out that we were a whole lot closer to an exchange of nuclear warheads than anyone knew.

One thing we never heard much about during that era was bioterrorism or biological warfare, depending on who releases the germ.  This COVID business would be classified as treasonous, domestic biological terrorism.

Or not, as the case may be.  I'm just thinking that the Chinese hated President Trump because of trade agreements.  By extension, they also hated the Wing-nuts, because, you know, trade and profit and labor costs and such.  But the Moonbats, now, they might be persuaded to help out a little.

On yet another front, I got an email from Natalie (email here) who read my article Peaceful Protests,  and wanted to thank me for supporting the Black community.

Will someone please explain what the actual fuck is going on here?

In a moment of temporary insanity, I got my COVID-19 vaccination.  Should I fail to survive, I'm leaving my custom engraved .30-30 carbine to Glen Filthie, in the hope that he'll drive himself batty trying to hit something at 100 meters with it.  Should he and his sanity survive, he'll have a nice rifle that will raise an eyebrow anyplace West of the Mississippi.  On the other hand... crazy is happy.

That's it.  Thanks for reading, and here's a tip of the old Fedora to everyone who bothered to read this hound over the years, and a hoist of the afternoon bourbon glass to everyone reading this dog.

Here's how!


  1. Tonton Macoutes? I often feel that way, but I try to surpress those feelings. Be careful what you wish for.

    As for what's going on, I like this:

  2. I've lived through all those presidents. Was living in Il and it was a joke that Joe Kennedy paid a lot to Daily for all those dead people to vote Dem. China's supreme leader for life felt Trump had humiliated him on the world stage. He could not let that go without retaliation. What would he care if a million Chinese died as long as he could depose Trump without a shot fired. He also found a friend in Nancy who I'll always believe is the evil queen.

  3. Good POTUS analysis. I might disagree with some, but I was a lot younger back then and might have missed some stuff. RR is still my guy.

  4. Chuck: Thanks for the link.

    Squeeky'S Mom: Truth, he likely did feel humiliated. And you're right about the Chinese population and Pelosi.

    CW: I like the Cowboy as well, although he's a little shakey on some points.
