Saturday, December 25, 2021

'Tis the Season Warning

We're in the midst of the holiday season, and the cops in Columbus are getting serious about this drinking and driving business.  I don't know where the funding came from (MADD? SADD?), but the Columbus Police Department have the checkpoint DUI road blocks up and are running them in full force.

I got bored last night and decided to take a short drive over to the Derby East.  I had a hard cider, then another, and the crowd was getting warmed up.  Then someone bought a round of shots for everyone sitting at the bar, then another round was bought, and I chased it with another hard cider, and... I realized I probably shouldn't be driving.

I left my keys with the bartender, and took the bus home.

I passed a police checkpoint about a block away.  Everyone was being stopped and harassed, and they had a wagon out to haul away the drunks.  There was a line being cuffed and stuffed into the wagon.  But, you know, they just waved the bus right on through.

I got home okay, which was a real surprise.  I've never driven a bus before this, and I'm not even sure where it came from.  It was still sitting at the bus stop this morning.

Happy New Year!



  1. Ed: You're in good company - as usual.

    CW: Yes He did. Eventually I'm going to have to apologize to Him for causing Him so much trouble and making him work overtime.

    Glen: Thanks Glen. I did the best with what I had at the time.
