Monday, February 14, 2022

Fire in Columbus

 This one goes out to Capt. Schmoe, who is a retired fire fighter and runs the blog Report on Conditions. He's a good photographer and I enjoy his commetary as he's usually right about most things.

We had a large fire today in Columbus, and I swiped a few pix from Reddit (credit given under the pictures).

Fire in Downtown Columbus, OH

I've only seen a few fires like this one in my life (knock wood), and the few that I've seen were handled by local fire fighters.  Photo courtesy of Reddit.

Fire Fighters In Action

I have no knowledge about the equipment being used here, but it looks impressive.

Same Equipment
Photos are courtesy of Reddit

I gather the fire was at an auto shop located on the corner of McKinley and Grandview Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.  If you believe the bubble headed bleach blonde who was on the scene (or nearby, anyway), some grease-monkey was removing a catalytic converter while it was hot, and the fumes from the gas tank hit the converter, and there was a hot time in the old town this morning.  No one was injured, which is a good thing.

Here's a link to a local news station, which may or may not play.

Good job, Columbus fire fighters!


  1. Holy crap. The smoke from that was visible from a long ways off! There is a saying in the fire service - "When the stick goes up, the building is coming down". I am guessing that was the result here. Each one of those ladder pipes is probably flowing around 1000 gallons per minute or so, so those plus all of the hand-lines could equal around 22 tons of water per minute being applied. That is a lot of weight.

  2. I remember one like that here in the Fort, ages ago... RJ Recycling, a glorified dump for old tires... thousands of them...

  3. Hey Schmoe!

    I'll see if I can drive by that area later on this week and take a few pix. If I'm able to get anything halfway decent, I'll post 'em.

    I think I remember seeing that fire on the news. There was this absolute mountain of discarded tires, and somebody torched it off. The thing burned for days, as I remember it.
