For Columbus, and Ohio in general. This is your official standard warning issue: If you are easily offended, don't read any further. Surf over to Hello Kitty! and indulge in some mental self-abuse.
The election is an unofficially done deal.
Issue #1: Passed, making it perfectly legal to kill unborn babies, as well as birthed babies. It's been suggested that the generally acceptable age for a full term abortion might be eight years or less, but no one can say for certain yet. Give it ten years or so, and I'm sure the moonbats will have something to suggest.
Issue #2: Passed, making recreational use of marijuana perfectly legal. Now I can legally get full of pot and wine, then drive my car and play with my gun collection. Of course, there's that Federal form you have to fill out when buying a gun, so that should fix everything with guns and pot. Because, you know, it's Federal and all.
Issue #16: Passed, so we'll have a better library for the illiterate kids in the public schools. All I've ever seen in the library is a bunch of fat black female pavement apes surfing for porn, with the occasional fat monkey coming in to get a few bucks from his mom, or auntie, or whatever the fuck she might be. They're disgusting. The females stink to high heaven, and not one of them could write a complete sentence to save her life. The only good thing about Issue #1 passing is that more blacks get abortions than any other race, which will eventually cut down on the number of jigger-boos I have to put up with in public.
Moving right along, Ginther is still mayor, and the rest of the fuckup factory hasn't changed in any meaningful fashion. So... we're so screwed.
This is a 7.7-mill levy (one mill being one-tenth of one cent), and will increase property owners’ taxes by $269.50 per $100,000 of the value of their home. So, if the average value of a home $240,728 (which it is), then we have:
Home value: $240,000Current tax: $356New additional tax: $646.80Bringing the current tax up to a total of $1,002.80, most of which is being spent on the cost of labor.
benefits package that is second only to politicians.
Issue 1.....What the hell
ReplyDeleteIssue 2.....What the hell
A good library is important, I spent a lot of my school time in the library
I have no idea how well paid teachers are what I do know there are some great teachers as well as some who should not be around children
Where would you go, Jack?
ReplyDeleteDamfino. Probably in some unincorporated spot in Ohio.