Monday, November 13, 2023

White Teenager Beaten to Death

I was reading Knuckledraggin My Life Away when I tripped over a dangling participle left by one of his many contributors and found this article.  I'm disgusted and enraged.  Standard disclaimer will precede my rant.

If you're a sensitive, thin skinned liberal, go no further.  You'll only get your tender little feelings injured to the point that you may not heal up again - which is not a bad thing in my book.  Anyone else, keep reading.

Here's the article from Knuckledraggin': Murder Investigation Opened Into Beating Death of 17-year-old White Student by Mob of Black Students, which essentially summarizes and leads to this little gem: Las Vegas: Murder Investigation Opened Into Beating Death of 17-year-old White Student by Mob of Black Students.  You won't find this on commercial media, although Fox carried a version that failed to mention that the victim was white and the alleged perpetrators are black.

From the article:

It’s becoming an all-too frequent occurrence, yet there are no mobs of white people burning, looting, and murdering in response to the beating deaths of white people and Jews at the hands of black and pro-Hamas criminals. Nor, of course, should there be.

The latest horrifying incident occurred in Las Vegas and saw a mob of approximately 15 black high school students beating a lone white high school boy. The victim, 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis, later died from his injuries. The crime is being investigated as murder.

If you care to read it, here's the story on X: JUST IN: Jonathan Lewis, a teenage boy who was beaten up by 15 students at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada has died.

The victim, Jonathan Lewis, was only seventeen years old, was outnumbered fifteen to one, and you can just bet those fucking niggers had done this before.  This time the victim died instead of spending six weeks in the neurological wing of a local ICU, before going home to spend the rest of his life trying to learn to turn the TV on and off.  But so what?  A few years in whatever passes for reformatory, and these little monkeys will be back on the street, and that's assuming they get any sentence at all.

Lewis had nothing to fight back with.  I'm betting that if Lewis had shot one or two, the rest would run like hell.  Of course Lewis would be arrested and charged with murder one, but with a decent lawyer and a jury trial he might be found not guilty.  Might.  Meantime, the rest of the pavement apes are still out there.

My thought is that every single one of them should be arrested and charged with first degree murder, found guilty, and sentenced to life without parole.  That's because I'm sitting here trying to convince myself that I'm not like them, that I don't want to join a local militia and hate every single nigger out there.  Because they're all not like that.

Which is true enough, I suppose.  They, blacks and similar infidels, aren't all alike, in that not all of them hate white people.  Caucasians, Crackers, or Goyim (as the Jews call us), are not universally hated by everyone else.  We are, however, hated by just enough of the population that a crime like this will not raise the level of awareness to where is should be, and won't increase the desire to prosecute the guilty with a certain amount of enthusiasm.

I don't have a real solution.  I only know that for myself, I'm packing my pistol with me everywhere, and that includes inside my own home.  I'm also going to find a decent church that I can join, although I expect that will take some time.

Thank you for reading.


  1. HIs dad will be on Laura Ingrahams show tomorrow night.
    She reported that a number of them will be charged with murder. Some of this lies at the feet of the teachers there.

  2. How bloody disgusting he was murdered that is the long and the short of it and those who killed him should pay the price

  3. I think I'll just leave this with prayers for you, and an echo of Jo-Anne's comment.

  4. The fault is all ours. Our laws are written for reasonable white people. Say what you want - those laws produced the most advanced and affluent nation in the history of man. They are not written for Neolithic people that never developed writing, or the wheel or architecture. 40% of blacks are too stupid to hold a mundane job. 95% of blacks cannot read at grade level by the time they graduate. I could go on but the point is that a large percentage of blacks do not have the hardware to run the software needed to function in a modern first world country. Getting mad at them is pointless, they can’t help it. Trying to integrate blacks in white schools is a disservice to both. This is our fault…and we aren’t learning anything either. Expect more as we are slowly replaced.

  5. Ed: Regrettably, I missed the show.

    Jo-Anne: You're right about that, but I'd also like to hold the parents responsible. They know just what kind of offspring they have.

    CW: Probably the best idea. This kind of thing angers me in a way that is hard for me to define. Thank you for your prayers.

    Glen: You're right about the law. Antique white people wrote the U.S. Constitution, the bill of rights, the whole thing. What no one wants to talk about is that what we're seeing is a variant of what is seen every single day in Africa and other shithole nations. African tribes are just one short step away from the hunter-gatherer stage, and we give them AK-47s. What do people think is going to happen?

    The IQ and socialization problem is huge, and no one will talk about it or try to find a solution.
